[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.archives] PARSE10.ZIP - Expression parser for Turbo Pascal

Loewy_Ron@F51.N405.Z2.FIDONET.ORG (06/28/91)

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

PARSE10.ZIP     Expression parser for Turbo Pascal

Parser is a recursive decent expression parser unit for Turbo-Pascal, this
unit includes the 5 basic math. operators (+ - * / ^), and some basic
mathematical functions (sin, exp, cos, ln, log10, log2, abs, arctan, sqr,
sqrt, tan, cotan, arcsin, arccos) and 2 constants (pi, e). Parser can be
used to receive formula input from the user, and perform the neccessary
calculations during program runtime. Parser supports 10 general purpose
variables (v0, v1, .., v9) that can be set (using the = operator) and used
in formulas by the user.

Loewy Ron
- -
Fido - 2:405/51 (Satalite Bird BBS) .
internet - Loewy_Ron@f51.n405.z2.fidonet.org