(Pete Stern) (06/28/91)
I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.desqview> MY-D114.ZIP DV DIR lister shows locks,fcbs,tasks accessing NORTON <dir> 01-01-91 12:34p [00 .... ......] filename ext 123,456 01-01-91 12:34a [56 a... ......] | | | | | | | |||| |||||| | | | | | | | |||| |||||-- Tasks using file File-dir | | | | | | |||| ||||--- Fcb in use Extension -- | | | | | |||| |------ File open mode Size / <dir> ------- | | | | |||| ------- 7)th bit (Net) Date (dd-mm-yy) ------------- | | | |||| ------- 6)th bit attribute Time --------------------------------- | | ||||-------- S)ystem file a=00:00-11:59 p=12:00-23:59 ------------ | |||--------- H)idden file | ||---------- R)ead only file Supersonic >D< FAST! | |----------- A)rchive file --------------- Seconds file File open modes: 0=readok 1=writeok 2=read/writeok; a=nodeny b=noread/write c=nowrite d=noread e=nodeny i=childprc pete - - Pete Stern <>