[comp.binaries.ibm.pc.archives] RBKEYSWP.ZIP - Swap Esc/tilde, LCtrl/CapsLk. Auto-hiloads

Ralf.Brown@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (06/28/91)

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

RBKEYSWP.ZIP    Swap Esc/tilde, LCtrl/CapsLk. Auto-hiloads

This program puts the keys on an enhanced keyboard in what I consider
the proper places (i.e. Ctrl next to "A" and Esc next to "1").  It will
load itself high into either an XMS or a DOS5 upper memory block, using
a mere 64 bytes of high memory; if neither is available, it needs only
128 bytes of low memory (can't get rid of the entire PSP :-).  Full
source is included.

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Ralf Brown <ralf@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU>