(Harry Max) (06/28/91)
There is a bill before the House of Representitives and the Senate that will make it illegal for organizations to INFORM women that abortion is even a legal option. If you are interested in preserving the rights of FREE SPEACH, please call today!!! 6/27/91: Senator Mitchell at (202)224-5344 Here's the message: I'm calling to request that Senator Mitchell move Senate Bill 323, the Pregnancy Counseling Act, as quickly as possible and without changing amendments. Speaker Foley (202)225-2006 I'm calling to request that Speaker Foley move HR 392, the Pregnancy Counseling Act, as quickly as possible and without changing amendments. -- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ harry max HaL Computer Systems