(Peter Scott) (06/29/91)
I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.hypertext> NUHLP45.ZIP Norton Utilities 4.5 Hypertext help browser DISKREFS for the Norton Utilities 3.0 through 4.5 is a pop-up, memory-resident browser, compiled with Hyperrez. It contains a brief description of each utility, complete syntax, explanation of program parameters, usage notes, examples for more complex utilities, common recovery scenarios, etc. (Program compiled by Eugene A. Zeak, Jr.) ................................................................... Peter Scott . Phone: 306-966-6016 Order Unit Manager . FAX: 306-966-6040 Univ of Saskatchewan Libraries . Saskatoon,Sask,Canada,S7N OWO . Internet: SCOTT@SKLIB.USASK.CA