[comp.human-factors] HCI workshop Moscow - call for Participants

mukesh@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Mukesh Patel) (06/18/91)

Please reply to the organisors mentioned at the end of the following
message.  Thanks.

Mukesh Patel


     The First Moscow International Workshop on Human-Computer
     Interaction, Moscow, August 5-8, 1991

Our goal is to bring together HCI researchers and practitioners from
the Soviet Union, the United States and other countries so that all
may n after the workshop, there will be optional
cultural and tourist activities.

                    Registration and Accommodations

1. The hotel will be "Rosiya" or "Ukraina". Both are in the historical
   center of Moscow. The room prices are 140$ US per person per night
   for single room, 100$ US per person per night for double room.
   All rooms are with private bath or shower. The price for

2. The registration fee is 100$ US. The fee cover all workshop sessions,
   one copy of the proceedings, the conference cocktail and coffee breaks
   for all workshop days August 5-8, 1991.

3. The service package includes:

   a) The meeting in airport Sheremetjevo-2, transport to hotel and
      hotel accommodation.
   b) The transport from hotel to ICSTI building every workshop day.
   c) The dinner in the ICSTI cafe every workshop day.
   d) The Moscow HCI'91 sightseeing programme - the tour to ancient
      Russian town Zagorsk (60 km from Moscow).
   e) Moscow Cultural programme (Theatre, Circus).

 The package fee is 80$ US.

The TOTAL amount is :

a) Arrival August 4 - Departure August 10

   Single room : 6 nights x 140 + 100 + 80 = 1020 US $
   Double room : 6 nights x 100 + 100 + 80 = 780  US $

b) Arrival August 2 - Departure August 12

   Single room : 10 nights x 140 + 100 + 80 = 1580 US $
   Double room : 10 nights x 100 + 100 + 80 = 1180 US $

The calculations above are examples only. Everyone should compute
his own total payment depending on dates and rooms.

All payment must be made in US dollars or other hard currency.

Payment must be remitted as follows:
1. The total amount must be transferred to (until August 1, 1991)

   Account No. 17008794, MFO 805012, Vnesheconombank USSR
   8 Serpuchovskoj val, 113191, Moscow, USSR

2. The total amount must be made by banker's cheque drawn on
   Vnesheconombank (the same Account No.).

Please remember to state PARTICIPANT NAME and HCI'91 on all payments.

Please inform us after your payment as follows:

Name : _____________________________________________            M/F: ___
Date of arrival: _______________   Date of departure: __________________
Single/Double room: _______________
Payment was made by: ________________ Date: ________ Total amount:______

Return this registration form until August 1, 1991 by Email or FAX.
Email: ENIR@IAEA1.BITNET   or   enir@ccic.icsti.msk.su
FAX:   (7-095) 943-00-89

Please remember to keep a copy of this document for Your own record.


For further information, contact Larry Press (lpress@venera.isi.edu,
(213) 475-6515) or Juri Gornostaev (Bitnet: enir@iaea1 or Internet:

(note that Press will be away from 6/11-21 and 7/5-15)

Please copy and post this invitation for your colleagues.