[comp.human-factors] Ottawa SIGCHI Chapter Meeting

mdm@bnr.ca (Diane MacMartin) (06/19/91)

                      Ottawa SIGCHI July Meeting

      The July meeting of the Ottawa Special Interest Group in
Computer Human Interaction will be held on...

      Date:     Tuesday, July 9, 1991

      Time:     19:00 - 21:00

      Place:    Carleton University, Loeb Building, Room B149
                (Refreshments will be served.)

      Speaker:  Dr. Marceli Wein
                Institute for Information Technology, NRC

      Topic:    User Interfaces for Realtime Systems

                          About the Speaker

      Marcelli Wein is a member of the Software Engineering Laboratory
in the Institute for Information Technology at NRC, with research
interests in User Interfaces to realtime systems.  As an Adjunct
Professor at the University of Waterloo, he is collaborating with
Dr. William Cowan in the creation of tools for the animated visualization
of complex realtime systems.  He received his Ph.D. in Atmospheric
Physics from McGill University.  He was a consultant to the Space
Program, first for the Canadarm simulator and more recently for
simulation in the Space Station Program.

For more information, contact:

Sonia D. Bot                Frank Wimmer
(613)763-4992 (W)           (613)788-6628 (W)
(613)765-4845 (FAX)         (613)788-3962 (FAX)
sdbot@bnr.ca                Frank_Wimmer@carleton.ca

Diane MacMartin  Bell-Northern Research, Ltd     Ottawa, Canada
                 Any opinions are my own and do not represent BNR.
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