christic@labrea.Stanford.EDU (06/09/91)
/* Written 12:52 pm Jun 8, 1991 by ghrc in cdp:carnet.alerts */ /* ---------- "Illegal Arrest of Pablo Itzep" ---------- */ Human Rights Alert June 8, l991 Re-arrest of Pablo Itzep Hernandez According to information we have received Pablo Itzep Hernandez was re-arrested and is believed to be detained, along with five other campesinos arrested previously. (See Special Alert in UPDATE #20) Pablo Itzep has apparently been told that he will be killed. Pablo is believed held in a Chiul in a school with the others detained recently. Background: Pablo Itzep Hernandez, along with five other campesinos had been illegally arrested and detained from May 26- May 31. On May 31 the six were taken to the Auxiliary Human Rights Attorney in Santa Cruz in El Quiche. In the presence of the attorney they signed declarations saying that they and their children had collaborated with the guerillas. After signing they were apparently granted amnesty, however, only Pablo Itzep was released. Pablo Itzep went to the CERJ office and told Amilcar Mendez that the signatures had been coerced by threats and intimidations. On June 4, Amilcar Mendez and Pablo Itzep met with President Serrano. President Serrano apparently promised during the meeting to guarantee the safety of Pablo and said he would investigate the case. On June 5, three armed men (believed to be military intelligence) came to the human rights office where Pablo was at the time, saying they had been sent by President Serrano.. Pablo had stated that day that the previous "acta" he had signed was done under duress, that his son was not a guerilla. On June 6, the nephew of Pablo Itzep came to the CERJ office to denounce the re-arrest of Pablo Itzep Hernandez. No legal proceedings have reportedly been initiated against him (Article 6 of the Guatemalan Constitution provides that no one can be arrested or detained without a warrant issued by the relevant judicial authority, and that those detained should be brought before a magistrate within six hours.) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Telegrams/telexes/faxes/express and airmail letters: - expressing concern at the reports of the detention without warrant of Pablo Itzep Hernandez, -urging that he be brought immediately before a judicial authority in compliance with constitutional provisions and that he be granted access to legal counsel; - asking for guarantees for his physical safety as he had been promised. APPEALS TO [Suggested Salutation] Jorge Serrano Elias [Your Excellency] Presidente de la Republica de Guatemala Palacio Nacional (Telexes: 305 5331 CAPRES GU) Guatemala, Guatemala (Telegrams: Presidente Serrano, Guatemala, Guatemala) (Faxes: 011 502 2 537472; 011 502 2 519702) Gral. Luis Francisco Mendoza Garcia [Your Excellency] Ministro de Defensa Ministerio de Defensa Palacio Nacional (Faxes: 011 502 2 537472) Guatemala, Guatemala (Telexes: 305 5361 COMGUA GU) (Telegrams: Ministro Defensa Mendoza, Guatemala, Guatemala)