From speakout Tue Jun 11 22:14 PDT 1991 .....///....PHILIP AGEE SPEAKS OUT....\\\\..... If you missed Philip Agee's recent speaking tour you can still hear what he has to say. Speakout! has produced a 1 hour video, filmed during Agee's lecture at M.I.T. during April of this year. The topic of his lecture was: -=- THE GULF WAR, THE CIA, AND AMERICAN DEMOCRACY -=- The cost of the video is a $15.00 tax-deductable donation (or two tapes for $25) to the Philip Agee Defense Committee, a project of Speakout! To order a video, please send a check or money order payable to: Philip Agee Defense Committee P.O. Box 84087, San Diego, CA 92138. ** End of text from cdp:pn.announcements **