[misc.activism.progressive] FCNL Update for June 14, 1991

rich@pencil.cs.missouri.edu (06/15/91)

FCNL                    TELEPHONE TAPE - 6/14/91

This is the Friends Committee on National Legislation, with updated
legislative information.  To speak with a staff member, call (202)

This message was prepared at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 14.  It contains
information and action suggestions on the following subjects: CRIME

CRIME LEGISLATION.  The Senate is expected to vote on a comprehensive crime
package this week, starting June 17.  This package has been introduced by
Senator Biden DE as S. 1241.  Parts of the Bush administration's bill will
also be offered as amendments to S. 1241. Both of these bills include
proposals to expand the federal death penalty, impose lengthy sentences, and
restrict the rights of people accused of crimes.  It is likely that S. 1241
will easily pass.  But your messages could make a difference in three
specific areas:

-- The Racial Justice Act (RJA): This is a provision in the death penalty
portion of the crime package.  It would make it unlawful to execute someone
whose death sentence can be shown to be, in part, the result of racial
discrimination.  The Racial Justice Act is an essential protection of civil
rights in the justice system.  The RJA has also been introduced as a
freestanding bill by Senator Kennedy MA as S. 1249.

ACTION: Urge your senators to oppose the expansions of the death penalty
included in the bill.  No matter what their position on the death penalty
is, they should vote against any bill which does not include the Racial
Justice Act provisions.  Please urge them to cosponsor S. 1249, the Racial
Justice Act of 1991.

-- Gun Control:  S. 1241 includes the so-called Brady Bill, which would
require a seven-day waiting period with a check of criminal records prior to
the purchase of a hand gun.  This is receiving strong support from the
Democratic leadership and could be included in the final bill if there is
strong constituent support.

ACTION: Urge your senators to save lives by including the Brady bill in the
crime package.  Pennsylvania residents please note: Senators Wofford and
Specter have indicated that they will vote for the bill if they get a
substantial number of phone calls favoring that position.

-- Alien Terrorist Removal Act:  It is possible that an amendment will be
offered from the President's crime bill.  It would allow any non-citizen who
is merely accused of having ties to a "terrorist" organization to be
deported or "removed" from the country without knowing the charges brought
against him or her, without seeing the evidence, and without knowing the
source of the accusations.

ACTION: Urge your senators to strongly OPPOSE the alien terrorist provision
if it is offered as an amendment to the crime bill.

introduced an amendment to the Foreign Aid Authorization bill (H.R. 2508).
The amendment may be voted on in the House this Tuesday, June 18. Its
purpose is to discourage the rapidly expanding growth of new Israeli
settlements in the Occupied Territories.  Secretary of State Baker and many
other policy analysts have said this growth is one of the greatest obstacles
to peacemaking between Israelis and Arabs.  Rep. Bryant's amendment, if
passed, would withhold from the U.S. aid allocated to Israel an amount equal
to what the Israeli government is spending on settlements in the
territories.  This money would be placed in escrow, and released when the
President certifies that Israel is NOT EXPANDING its settlements in the West
Bank and Gaza.

ACTION: Please call your representative before Tuesday afternoon.  Urge him
or her to vote FOR the Bryant amendment to the foreign aid authorization
bill, concerning settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories.

ARMS TRANSFERS TO THE MIDDLE EAST.  Modest actions to discourage or limit
arms transfers to the Middle East took place in both the House and Senate
this week.  The full House adopted, as part of the Foreign Aid Authorization
bill, provisions for a moratorium on arms transfers.  This moratorium would
continue unless and until the President certifies that another major arms
supplier nation has agreed (as of May 21 or later) to transfer any major
military equipment to the Mideast or Persian Gulf region.  Meanwhile, two
Senate committees have expressed the "sense of Congress" that arms supplier
nations should establish and rigorously enforce a prohibition against
introducing advanced conventional arms into the region, and that the U.S.
should comply with an international moratorium.  These provisions have been
made part of the Foreign Aid and State Department authorization bills.

ACTION: This legislation is all but complete in the House.  The full Senate
will probably vote on the Foreign Aid and State Department Authorization
bills late this month or in July.  Although these bills are not as strong as
FCNL would like, they are worth supporting.  Please write your Senators and
ask them to support proposals for an international moratorium on arms to the
Middle East, and to seize any opportunity that may be offered to strengthen
these provisions.

This concludes our message.  For more information, please write to the
Friends Committee on National Legislation, 245 Second St., NE, Washington,
DC 20002.
** End of text from cdp:fcnl.updates **