[misc.activism.progressive] Update on St. Louis resisters **

rich@pencil.cs.missouri.edu (06/15/91)

From mphillips Thu Jun 13 16:25 PDT 1991
To: cscheiner

Eric Hayes was convicted on January 15 on  charges of
desertion and missing a movement and sentenced to 3 years.  A
pre-trial agreement with the Marines, however, had set 8
months and a dishonorable discharge.  Eric has just been
released and will be home in time for a welcome-home party on
Friday, June 14, 7:30 p.m., Heman Park Community Center,
University City.  $5 donation towards Eric's legal fees, and
bring a can drink.  Desserts and munchies will be provided.
Eric is the first "convicted" Gulf War resister to be
released from prison. He was an Amnesty International
Prisoner of Conscience.

Kennith McGhee was tried and convicted on May 24 of the same
charges, desertion and missing a movement.  He was sentenced
to one year in the brig, a sentence which apparently will
mean six months actually in the brig.  (Kennith is the
correct spelling; in earlier accounts I misspelled his name.)

For further information contact Bill Ramsey at AFSC,
438 N. Skinker, St. Louis, MO 63130, 314/862-773,
fax 314/862-8155.

>From Margaret Phillips, St. Louis, MO

** End of text from cdp:military.draft **