[misc.activism.progressive] PESTICIDES: Free UFW _Grape Boycott_ Video

harelb@cabot.dartmouth.edu (Harel Barzilai) (06/19/91)

    Side Note: There was a UFW boycott in the 1970's as well; to ban
    DDT; at the time the companies said that without DDT, they
    wouldn't be able to grow grapes. Two years after UFW's boycott
    finally forced the companies to sign an agreement stopping the use
    of all DDT (among other conditions), the U.S. federal government
    banned DDT...

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>From leaflet "It Won't Wash" by UFW (headed by Cezar Chavez):
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  "Every year 300,000 farm workers are poisoned by the food you eat.
And the danger isn't just to field workers picking grapes. The danger
can sit right on your table.  Listen. One third of all pesticides are
known to cause cancer. And some of them won't even wash off under your
kitchen tap. Which means you could unwittingly be poisoning your
family with every table grape you eat. If consumers refuse to buy
table grapes, the United Farm Workers can persuade the California
grape growers to come to the bargaining table. The UFW's demands
include regular testing of grapes and a compete ban of the five
deadliest pesticides[..]"

Send your name, address, and phone for FREE COPY of the information
video, "The Wrath of Grapes," write to: United Farmworkers of America,
AFL-CIO, Video Requests, P.O. Box 62, Keene, CA 93531


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