[misc.activism.progressive] Civil Liberties ACTION ALERT: "Counter-Terrorism" Act of 1991

TSHAPIN@beckman.com (06/19/91)

    "The Biden Bill is aimed at citizens who would lend material
    support for groups such as the FMLN in El Salvador, the ANC in
    South Africa or ``domestic terrorists'' such as Earth First!,
    Act-Up or the Sanctuary Movement. It would make such support a
    crime punishable by up to ten years in prison..."

S. 266 was introduced by Senators Biden and DeConcini. The Bush 
administration has submitted a proposal to Congress for using 
secret evidence and secret proceedings to deport foreign 
nationals in the U.S. whom the government asserts have engaged in 
``terrorism.'' The proposal is part of the Administration's 
comprehensive crime package that is itself a thinly disguised 
assault on civil liberties. 
An identical version is included in the ``Terrorism Death Penalty 
Act of 1991'' introduced by Senator Thurmond (S.265), now a part 
of the ``Counter-terrorism Act of 1991'' of Senators Biden and 
DeConcini (S.266) and presently pending in the Senate Judiciary 
The Administration proposal would establish a special court to 
conduct secret trials to deport persons in the U.S. who have not 
been convicted or even charged with any crime. Under this 
authority, the I.N.S. could deport any foreign national whom the 
government asserts is a terrorist, which in the Administration's 
view includes political supporter of any organization it deems 
The charge of terrorism may be base on ``secret evidence'', which 
may consist of nothing more than allegations from the government 
of the alien's native country in an effort to secure his 
deportation back to the country from which he or she may have 
fled.  The alien would never know what the charges were, where 
they originated, or what they were based upon. 
More disturbing is the government's sweeping interpretation of 
the word ``terrorism.'' To the I.N.S. ``terrorist activity'' 
includes fund raising or recruiting members for any 
organization or government body that has engaged in unlawful 
violent activity as defined by their own country. Thus the 
definition turns not on what a person has done but with whom 
he or she is associated. 
These Bills target not only foreign nationals, but American 
citizens too. The Biden Bill is aimed at citizens who would lend 
material support for groups such as the FMLN in El Salvador, the 
ANC in South Africa or ``domestic terrorists'' such as Earth 
First!, Act-Up or the Sanctuary Movement.  It would make such 
support a crime punishable by up to ten years in prison.  This 
legislation treads upon our First Amendment right of Freedom of 
Association.  If the trial is secret, who is to know if the 
government's ``evidence'' establishes actual criminal activity or 
seeks to penalize a person for having associated with the 
``wrong'' groups? 
As citizens or immigrants alike, we should oppose this 
legislation from the point of view of basic human rights.  Are we 
prepared to let happen in the U.S. what we stridently oppose in 
the Middle East, Asia and Africa?.  These Bills are set to be 
debated now in the Senate and then in the House of 
Representatives in the next months.  Contact your 
Congressperson or Senator. Educate yourself and others on this 
bill.} If this Bill is not defeated, a Kuwait-style inquisition 
may not be far off. Ask all key Senators to defeat bills S.265 
and S.266. Demand the complete removal} of TITLE VII from 
``Crime Control Act of 1991'' as it promotes a police state on 
the pretense of dealing with terrorism. Write to the media about 
this attack on the bill of rights. 
For information call:
       202 675-2319    Center for Constitutional Rights.
       213 413-2935    Committee for Justice.
       202 224-2135    House of Representatives.
= end =
More Numbers:

Local number of U.S. Congress switchboard          (202) 224-3121

[When you reach the Capitol Hill switchboard, simply ask to be
connected to the office of the Member, Senator or committee you
want to reach. Please call during normal business hours on the
East Coast.]

White House:                                    (202)-456-7639
The White House Comments line is                (202)-456-1111
(9 am- 5 pm Monday-Friday).
Date:         Fri, 21 Dec 90 01:18:29 CST
** Written  3:03 pm  Dec 20, 1990 by hfrederick in cdp:pn.announcements **
Information capture off Bitnet:
    George knows better than to have an e-mail address to where his
    fellow citizens could write to him all day, every day.

    But you can FAX him, at 202-456-2461.

    Or talk to his Public Comment staff, at 202-456-1111.