[misc.activism.progressive] CHRISTIC RESOURCES: MULTIMEDIA

christic@igc.org (06/25/91)

/* Written  5:51 am  Jun 25, 1991 by christic in cdp:christic.news */
/* ---------- "CHRISTIC RESOURCES: MULTIMEDIA" ---------- */


The Christic Institute's Resource Center can meet your needs for
educational resources on covert operations, the war on drugs and
other national issues. Information on how to place an order is
posted at the end of this file.

     TRADING CARDS. Each boxed deck includes a set of 36 full-color
     caricatures and fact-filled biographies on the reverse side.
     Subjects range from ``Friendly Dictators'' to the ``Bush
     League.'' Ideal as gifts, handy for the high school or college
     student beginning to learn about the world.

     _Iran-Contra Trading Cards_. Humorous but informative.
     Describes ``freedom fighters'' North, Reagan, Bush, Hull,
     Secord and 29 others. Text by Paul Brancato, art by Salim
     Yaqub. $8.95.

     _Friendly Dictators Trading Cards_. Features America's most
     embarrassing allies from Noriega and Cristiani to Marcos and
     Botha. Text by Dennis Bernstein and Laura Sydell, art by Bill
     Sienkiewicz. $8.95

     _Bush League Trading Cards_. An all-star collection of key
     players in the Bush-Quayle Administration. Text by Paul
     Brancato, art by Salim Yaqub.

     COMIC BOOK. _Brought to Light_. Yes, comics can be a serious
     educational tool, and can affect young people who have never
     before shown an interest in foreign policy. _Brought to Light_
     is actually two full-color comic books in one. ``Flashpoint:
     The La Penca Bombing Story'' tells the story of the
     investigation by journalists Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey
     into the La Penca bombing, an attempt by the contras and a
     small group of U.S. citizens to assassinate a rival contra
     commander and pin the blame on the Sandinistas. ``Shadowplay:
     The Secret Team'' is a gruesome portrait of the C.I.A.'s
     history of unlawful covert activity. The medium is colorful,
     but each book has been carefully researched and authenticated.
     $8.95 for the set.

     VIDEO. _Covert Operations, the Persian Gulf and the New World
     Order_. In this April 1991 speech, Christic Institute General
     Counsel Daniel Sheehan discusses U.S. covert operations which
     led to the war against Iraq. VHS, 75 minutes, $25.00

     VIDEO. _Cover Up: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair_. This
     broadcast-quality documentary by the Empowerment Project is an
     incisive look at the web of issues behind the Iran-Contra
     affair, including the danger of a ``shadow government,''
     Iranian arms deals, C.I.A. involvement in drug smuggling and
     the La Penca bombing. VHS, 75 minutes, $39.95

     VIDEO. _Inside the Shadow Government: The Men Behind the Iran-
     Contra Scandal_. This video documents the La Penca bombing and
     the history of the network of private contra supporters
     responsible for the bombing and other illegal covert actions.
     60 minutes, $15.00

     VIDEO. _Victory in Keysville_. Document of the five-year
     political and legal battle of a small black community in rural
     Georgia to elect their own town government, abolished by
     whites in 1933. Shows how a disenfranchised, impoverished
     community can beat the system. VHS, 60 minutes, $20.00

The Christic Institute is a nonprofit, public-interest law firm and
research center supported by churches, Jewish philanthropies and
private citizens. The Institute represents the victims of injustice
and charges no legal fees for its work. We are entirely dependent
on resource sales and tax-deductible donations.

Any resource listed in this catalogue can be ordered by phone, mail
or fax from the Institute. For information on how to place an order
please call us at (202) 797-8106 or use one of the following e-mail

Andrew Lang             151251507 CHRISTIC                    telex
Christic Institute      christic                           PeaceNet
Washington, D.C.        tcn                                  tcn449
202-797-8106 voice      christic@igc.org                   Internet
202-529-0140 BBS        uunet!pyramid!cdp!christic             UUCP
202-462-5138 fax        cdp!christic%labrea@stanford         Bitnet