/** reg.guatemala: 106.0 **/ ** Topic: PAID AD TEXT [STOP TORTURE! ** ** Written 10:45 am Jun 23, 1991 by ghrc in cdp:reg.guatemala ** The Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA, as part of the "Campaign to END Torture in Guatemala: MAKE IT STOP!", is organizing the insertion of a full-page paid ad addressed to President Serrano in the Guatemalan newspaper Siglo Veintiuno (SEE PAID AD TEXT BELOW). We are asking $10-$20 per individual signer and $50-$100 for per organizational signer. We have estimated that for GHRC/USA to cover the cost of this paid ad project we will need to receive $15 per individual and $75 per organization. Please be generous in your contribution. Extra donations to the MAKE IT STOP! campaign are also welcome. Kindly respond with tear off below and your donation by July 9. PAID AD TEXT: MAKE IT STOP! To President Serrano: We, the undersigned individuals and organizations in the United States, want to express our profound concern regarding the continued use of torture by members of the Guatemalan government security forces. Since your inauguration in January there have been over 40 documented cases of torture in Guatemala. Victims of torture include indigenous rights activists, educators, union leaders, human rights activists, students, religious leaders and even children. This practice violates international law ratified by Guatemala, domestic law included in the Guatemalan Constitution, as well as every law of human decency. It must stop! Nor are foreign citizens safe from torture in Guatemala. Two recent incidents include the June 1990 brutal torture and killing of U.S. national Michael DeVine in El Peten and the November 1989 kidnapping, torture and rape of U.S. Sister Dianna Ortiz. We urge you as President and Commander-in-Chief to reopen the Special Commission to investigate the case of Sister Dianna Ortiz and in doing so make the first step towards ending the impunity with which security forces and civilian patrols violate the rights of Guatemalans and foreign citizens. We hope your stated desire for peace and respect for human rights is sincere and that you will use your influence as President to end the practice of torture which continues to silence voices of dissent and to stifle the possibility for justice and peace in Guatemala. (tear and return to GHRC/USA by July 9, 1991) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I (WE) WANT TO SIGN ON! I (WE) WILL GET OTHERS TO SIGN ON Name of Individual and/or Organization Address (for our information) Phone Amount Enclosed* $10 $20 $50 $100 other I DO NOT WANT MY NAME/ORGANIZATION TO APPEAR I would like a copy of the ad that appears in Siglo Veintiuno * Please enclose $10-$20 per INDIVIDUAL and $50-$100 per ORGANIZATION depending upon your available resources. Send checks to the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA 1359 Monroe Street NE, Washington DC, 20017, telephone # 202-529-6599, fax # 202- 526-4611 ** End of text from cdp:reg.guatemala **