[comp.lsi.testing] Voting Results for comp.lsi.testing

veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de (Holger Veit) (05/29/91)


Summary of the vote for "comp.lsi.testing":

YES votes arriving at yes@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de:	178
YES votes duplicate:					 -2
YES votes of the authors:				 +2
SUM YES:						178

NO votes arriving at no@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de:		32
NO votes duplicate:					-1
SUM NO:							31

YES - NO	 					147    > 100
YES / (YES+NO)						0.85   > 2/3


Some votes did not arrive at the two given voting accounts or
in time, but at the author's private account. These votes were
not counted, but the voters were notified where to send a
valid vote to. It was not checked whether these voters have
repeated their mail to the correct accounts.

Three votes (2 Yes, 1 No) arrived twice at the accounts and were
of course only counted once. Votes sent to news groups were void
as well.

Finally, we want to thank all the voters (yes and no) for their
participation. The number of 209 votes shows that there is 
significant interest in the topic to be discussed in comp.lsi.testing.
This is important to notice because this is a special interest group,
not a general topic group. Nevertheless, EVERYBODY who thinks s/he has
something important or interesting (or even a "stupid" question (THERE
ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS!)) to contribute, is invited to do so. Like 
any group, this is YOUR forum.

Holger Veit & Nikolaus Gouders


List of YES voters in alphabetical order:

1. Einar Aas			Einar.Aas@delab.sintef.no
2. ?				aboulham@iro.umontreal.ca
3. Mark Aitken			mark@ichips.intel.com 
4. Rob Aitken			aitken@hpdtlra.ctgsc.hp.com
5. Rudy Albachten		rudy@milo.AMD.COM 
6. Brian D. Alleyne 		alleyne@olympus.ICS.UCI.EDU
7. Don Allingham		ncr-mpd!bach!dona@ncrlnk.dayton.ncr.com
8. Brian Antao			brian@vuse.vanderbilt.edu 
9. Neil Barrett			neil@flora.wustl.edu 
10. Jeffrey A. Bertoia		jbertoia%medar@uunet.UU.NET 
11. W. Billowitch		vhdl!wdb@uunet.UU.NET 
12. David C. Black		black@devnull.mpd.tandem.com 
13. Yves Blaquiere		yves@vlsi.polymtl.ca 
14. Tommy Boatman		tboatma@hubcap.clemson.edu 
15. Andy Boswell		andy@cged.co.uk
16. David S. Bryan		bryan@mcnc.org
17. Paul Campbell		taniwha!paul@mtxinu.COM
18. James Carlson		carlson%mrx.webo.dg.com@RELAY.CS.NET
19. Gunnar Carlsson		etxbgc@ericad.ericsson.se 
20. Hoon Chang			hoon@cerc.utexas.edu 
21. Dave Christie		davec@nucleus.AMD.COM 
22. Chen Chung-Hsing		chchen@agena.crhc.uiuc.edu 
23. Daniel Cock			daniel@computer-science.manchester.ac.uk
24. Alan Coppola		hilbert!alan 
25. Bob Craycroft		craycrof@rtp.semi.harris.com 
26. Dan Crowley			dfc@genrad.com 
27. Tony Dahbura		atd@mcrc.mot.com
28. ?				danj1@ihlpz.att.com
29. ?				dekleer@parc.xerox.com
30. Kim DeVaughn		ked01@juts.ccc.amdahl.com 
31. ?				dirkjan@duteca0.et.tudelft.nl
32. Eric Dittman		dittman@skbat.csc.ti.com 
33. Kent Paul Dolan		xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG 
34. Jeff Dwork			dwork@brahms.AMD.COM 
35. Lars Ersland		nfyle@cc.uib.no *** 1 duplicate ***
36. Capt John Evans		evans@usafa.af.mil
37. Rob Fanfelle		fanfelle@bonzai.eecs.ucdavis.edu 
38. Daniel F. Fayette		fayette@halibut.nosc.mil 
39. ?				finkel@tartan.com
40. Sergio Fogel		sergio@techunix.technion.ac.il
41. Jim Frenzel			jff@bashful.ee.uidaho.edu
42. W. Kent Fuchs		fuchs@strauss.crhc.uiuc.edu 
43. Ram Ganapathi		weitek!tegmine!ram@Sun.COM 
44. Gopi Ganapathy		gopi@mozart.AMD.COM 
45. Paul Gittings		paulg@tplrd.tpl.oz.au 
46. Winfried Goerke		goerke@ira.uka.de
47. Dennis Goodrich		dennis@devnull.mpd.tandem.com 
48. A.J. v.d. Goor		vdgoor@duteca4.et.tudelft.nl 
49. Ganesh C. Gopalakrishnan	ganesh%bliss@cs.utah.edu 
50. John Griffith		58116%AMGATE.gm@hac2arpa.hac.com
51. Jeremy Grodberg		jgro@lia.com 
52. Bruce Grugett		bcg@SU59D.ess.harris.com 
53. Michael K. Gschwind		mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at
54. andrew guillaume		a.guillaume@trl.OZ.AU 
55. Bob Hale			btree!hale@UCSD.EDU 
56. Volker Hamann		volker@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at
57. Greg Hannon			hannon%elan@cs.utah.edu 
58. Tenhunen Hannu		tenhu@cs.tut.fi 
59. Rotan Hanrahan		ROTAN@ccvax.ucd.ie
60. Brian G. Harper		bharper@ralvm11.vnet.ibm.com
61. Ismed Hartanto		hartanto@vega.crhc.uiuc.edu 
62. Marc Heijligers		rcbamhl@urc.tue.nl
63. B. Erickson Herring		herring@arrinext.uta.edu 
64. William J Hery		wjh@wayback.att.com 
65. Clive Holmes		clive@computer-science.manchester.ac.uk
66. Carl Holzwarth		carl@berlioz.nsc.com 
67. Steve Horne			steve@positron.AMD.COM 
68. Marcelo Huang		chuang@venice.eng.uci.edu
69. Raghu Hudli			raghu@fshvmfk1.vnet.ibm.com
70. Uwe Huebner			huebner@eis.gmd.dbp.de
71. Tony Hurson			tony@milo.AMD.COM 
72. eric ivanov			ivanov@imag.fr
73. ?				jayasuma@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu
74. Eric Jenn			jenn@laas.laas.fr 
75. Robert Jones		rjones@wopner.AMD.COM 
76. S. Karthik			kart@cerc.utexas.edu 
77. Paul H. Kenyon		kenyon@saku.unl.edu 
78. Keesup Kim			keesup@jacquard.ece.wisc.edu 
79. Karl Klingsheim		Karl.Klingsheim@delab.sintef.no 
80. Michael Kohne		cs483106@umbc5.umbc.edu 
81. Kevin T. Kornegay		kornegay@zabriskie.berkeley.edu 
82. Ken Kubiak			kubiak@copland.crhc.uiuc.edu 
83. Krijn Kuiper		kuiper@prl.philips.nl 
84. Ramachandra P. Kunda	Ramachandra.Kunda@Eng.Sun.COM 
85. Terry Lalonde		lalonde@Mitel.COM 
86. Bjorn. B. Larsen		Bjorn.B.Larsen@delab.sintef.no 
87. Jim Lear			lear@cerc.utexas.edu 
88. Neil Leister		n.leister@trl.OZ.AU 
89. Peter Lengewitz		lengewit@natalie.informatik.uni-dortmund.de
90. Donald H Lenhert		lenhert@matt.ksu.ksu.edu 
91. Jim Levie			levie@ast.dsd.northrop.com
92. Jung-Cheun Lien		lien@wiebull.usc.edu 
93. ?				linden@dutecai.et.tudelft.nl
94. Chun-Yeh Liu		liu@cs.wisc.edu 
95. Alex Loopik			al@hplb.hpl.hp.com
96. Tom Lovett			tdl@sequent.com
97. Tomislav Lozic		tom@bumrl1.bu.edu
98. Tom Lynch			lynch@cerc.utexas.edu 
99. Pierre Mailhot		mailhot@iro.umontreal.ca 
100. Samy R. Makar		samy@Neon.Stanford.EDU
101. MISVX1::MANNINGB		manningb%misvx1.decnet@misvax.radc.af.mil
102. Bryan Martin		bmartin@iit.com 
103. Meryem MARZOUKI		marzouki@rhone.imag.fr 
104. Ben Mathew			mathew@agena.crhc.uiuc.edu 
105. Peter Maxwell		peterm@hpdtlpm.ctgsc.hp.com
106. Pankaj Mayor		pmayor@cat.syr.edu
107. JR McClean			mcclean@prl.philips.nl 
108. Bruce McLaren		rabbit42@matt.ksu.ksu.edu 
109. Brian McMinn		brian@nucleus.AMD.COM 
110. Wolfgang Meyer		meyer@eis.gmd.dbp.de *** 1 duplicate ***
111. Robert Miles		aurs01!aurw39!miles@mcnc.org 
112. Egbert Molenkamp		Molenkam@cs.utwente.nl 
113. Phil Molloy		teradyne!molloy 
114. John Moondanos		moondan@cerc.utexas.edu 
115. Mark Moraes		moraes@cs.toronto.edu
116. Michael Moscovitch		michaelm@pike.ee.mcgill.ca
117. Prakash Narain		narain@mercury.crhc.uiuc.edu 
118. Joe Newman			joe%cadillac.cad.mcc.com@mcc.com 
119. Chanhee Oh			chanhee@cerc.utexas.edu 
120. Dirk Jan Out		out@cs.utwente.nl 
121. Mike Peters		ncr-mpd!bach!mikepe@ncrlnk.dayton.ncr.com
122. Marty Pflum		marty@mozart.AMD.COM 
123. ?				PHAR1D@Jetson.UH.EDU
124. Hardy Pottinger		hjp@ee.umr.edu
125. Juergen Prang		prang@du9ds4.uni-duisburg.de 
126. Phil Prins			pprins@copland.mrc.uidaho.edu
127. Edward P. Ratazzi		ratazzie@LONEX.RADC.AF.MIL 
128. Rod Rebello		titan!rrebello@asuvax.eas.asu.edu 
129. Holger Retz		retz@du9ds.uni-duisburg.de 
130. Lynn Robinson		led11@juts.ccc.amdahl.com 
131. Fred Rose			rose@src.honeywell.com 
132. Don Ross			dross@cerc.utexas.edu 
133. Rob Roy			roy@avior.crhc.uiuc.edu 
134. Paul Ryan			pgr@debussy.crhc.uiuc.edu 
135. Martin Ryder		M.Ryder@stl.stc.co.uk
136. E. Sabbah			eyad@duteca0.et.tudelft.nl 
137. Aasmund Sandvand		Aasmund.Sandvand@cc.uib.no
138. Shailendra Save		ole!ssave@sumax.seattleu.edu 
139. Thomas Schwederski		schwederski@mikroelektronik.uni-stuttgart.dbp.de
140. Niels Henrik Sejten	nhs%mtccbm@elctr.dk
141. Ramchandani Rajen Sham	rajen@edsel.ece.cmu.edu
142. P R Shepherd		P.R.Shepherd@gdr.bath.ac.uk
143. Weiping Shi		wshi@ravel.crhc.uiuc.edu 
144. Matti Sipola		msip@stek9.oulu.fi 
145. Tim Skutt			skutt@flicker.ras.anl.gov 
146. Stephen R. Smoot		smoot@postgres.Berkeley.EDU 
147. Wenyi Song			songw@csri.toronto.edu
148. Larry Soule		soule@garlic.stanford.edu 
149. ?				steves%sydrd12@tplrd.tpl.oz.au
150. Scott Stratmoen		freedm!scott@nrtc.northrop.com 
151. MOHAPATRA SUBRAT		subrat@d.cs.okstate.edu
152. Kjetil Svarstad		Kjetil.Svarstad@delab.sintef.no 
153. ?				tad@ksr.com
154. HaJo Toepfer		toepfer@du9ds4.uni-duisburg.de 
155. Raita-aho Tommi		tra@cs.tut.fi 
156. Carol Tong			qiao@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu 
157. Thang Tran			thang@positron.AMD.COM 
158. Kjetil Ullaland		nfyku@cc.uib.no
159. Bronis Vidugiris		bhv@mot.com 
160. HEINRICH THEODOR VIERHAUS	vierhaus@eis.gmd.dbp.de
161. Praveen Vishakantaiah	praveen%cadillac.cad.mcc.com@mcc.com 
162. Ray Voith			rayv@revenge.sps.mot.com 
163. Sartid Vongpradhip		sartid@vast.eecs.unsw.oz.au 
164. Thomas Waas		aiss!thomas@doitcr.doit.sub.org
165. John Wallner		comtec!jwallner@UCSD.EDU 
166. Ralph Waters		rwaters@jabba.ess.harris.com 
167. Richard W. Webb		rww@c3.PLA.CA.US 
168. Neil Whiting		njw@cged.co.uk
169. Willem Jan Withagen	wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl 
170. Pierre Wodey		wodey@imag.fr
171. Carly Wong			carlyw@ee.ubc.ca 
172. Tim Wood			timw@brahms.AMD.COM 
173. ?				xanadu!thelema!STella@uunet.uu.net
174. Sameshima Yasunori		same%nttica.ntt.jp@RELAY.CS.NET
175. Dah Cherng Yuan		yuan@cerc.utexas.edu 
176. Phil Zinno			faatcrl!zinno 

Of course for comp.lsi.testing (the authors of the call):

177. Nikolaus Gouders		gouders@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de
178. Holger Veit		veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de

List of NO voters in alphabetic order:

1. Alain Arnaud			arnaud@samsung.com		
2. Jeff Bell			jbell@danger.enet.dec.com 
3. Jerry Callen			jcallen@encore.com
4. Dale Cooper			shiau@eniac.seas.upenn.edu 
5. Henry Cox			cox@Cadence.COM 
6. George Engel			gle@earth.wustl.edu 
7. Raymond Farbarik		ole!rayf@sumax.seattleu.edu 
8. Erik J. Fretheim		efrethei@blackbird.afit.af.mil
9. Sabih Gerez			sabih@nt.eltn.utwente.nl 
10. Eric Gutt			tessi!eric@nosun.West.Sun.COM 
11. John Hagerman		hagerman@rx7.ece.cmu.edu
12. ?				ilham@MIT.EDU
13. Venkat Iyer			vri@sequent.com
14. Kevin Karplus		karplus@ararat.ucsc.edu
15. Krzysztof Kozminski		kk@mcnc.org
16. Audrey C Mack		mackac@infonode.ingr.com *** 1 duplicate ***
17. Denis R. Martin		denis@vlsi.polymtl.ca 
18. Michael E. Mazarick 	mazarick@mcnc.org
19. Richard H. Miller		rick@crick.ssctr.bcm.tmc.edu
20. Andy Mondore 		mondore@rpi.edu
21. James Nau			james@engrs.unl.edu 
22. Leonard Peirce		peirce@gumby.cc.wmich.edu 
23. Steve Pope			spp@zabriskie.berkeley.edu 
24. Suresh Rajgopal		rajgopal@cs.unc.edu
25. David Robinson		david@elroy.Jpl.Nasa.Gov 
26. Chip Rosenthal		chip@chinacat.unicom.com 
27. Dave V. Schaller		schaller@hsi86.hsi.com 
28. Ilya Shmulevich		shmulevi@cs.tut.fi 
29. Charles Shub		cdash@watneys.Colorado.EDU
30. Michael Sneeringer		la097393@zach.fit.edu 
31. Ted Stanion			ted@twolf1.CE.YALE.EDU


| Nikolaus Gouders        | |**********************************************| 
| University of Duisburg  | | INTERNET: gouders@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de     |
| Fac. of Electr. Eng.    | | BITNET: gouders%du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de@UNIDO |
| Dept. f. Dataprocessing | |**********************************************|
|  |   / Holger Veit             | INTERNET: veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de
|__|  /  University of Duisburg  | BITNET: veit%du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de@UNIDO
|  | /   Fac. of Electr. Eng.    | UUCP:   ...!uunet!unido!unidui!hl351ge
|  |/    Dept. f. Dataprocessing | 

xwang@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (Xiang-Min Wang) (05/29/91)

In article <veit.675520649@du9ds3> veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de (Holger Veit) writes:
>Summary of the vote for "comp.lsi.testing":
>|  |   / Holger Veit             | INTERNET: veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de
>|__|  /  University of Duisburg  | BITNET: veit%du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de@UNIDO
>|  | /   Fac. of Electr. Eng.    | UUCP:   ...!uunet!unido!unidui!hl351ge
>|  |/    Dept. f. Dataprocessing | 

just wonder what is the purpose of this group? thank you.


veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de (Holger Veit) (05/31/91)

In <1991May29.153729.23596@gmuvax2.gmu.edu> xwang@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (Xiang-Min Wang) writes:

>just wonder what is the purpose of this group? thank you.


The name should give at least a hint. This group is intended to deal with
all aspects of testing/verification of electronic (not necessarily digital
& integrated) circuits. Although there are already a number of groups in the
comp.lsi tree I myself felt that these groups are not a suitable forum for
discussing test aspects & problems. Comp.lsi and comp.lsi.cad (which are
nearly the same, because of continuous cross-posting) are frequently (?)
used for design questions. I expect that designers have not very much interest
in discussing aspects of fault models, fast fault simulation, test generation
algorithms etc. For the designer simulators and test generators as well as 
circuit synthesizers and routers are just tools (this is the industrial
aspect, not the academic). 
A tester, however, has to deal with the "something" s/he gets, and has to 
select an appropriate strategy and tool. Improvement of strategies is here
a main goal.
Although there is an overlap between designers and testers, they usually
speak a different language; and this is why there was a call and vote for
this group.
This has nothing to do with "let's create another group" or "split this
group because of too much volume". Several people remarked that we should 
"first fill up comp.lsi before we build another group". This comes close to
the proposal to fill a bottle with water, coke, beer, whisky etc. and if it
is full take the next one. There is no damage in having another group with
different interests in the USENET tree; there are already ~1250. If you dislike
this opinion, use the unsubscribe feature of your newsreader.

But back to the original question:

After internal and external discussions (e.g. on several conferences) the
conclusion was to propose this group. We have seen this from the academical
point of view and therefore proposed discussion topics like the following:

- information on conferences and workshops (call for papers/participation)
- recent results of research (to be published)
- questions and answers on strategies and algorithms
  - fast fault simulation
  - ATPG
  - analog circuit testing
  - design for testability
  - scan testing
  - random testing
  - fault modelling
- public available software
- discussion on standardisation, e.g. IEEE 1149.* (boundary scan)
- information on new books and journals
- ... (fill in what you think that has to said on 
       testing/verification/fault tolerance ...)

Hope this is sufficient for a first overview.


|  |   / Holger Veit             | INTERNET: veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de
|__|  /  University of Duisburg  | BITNET: veit%du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de@UNIDO
|  | /   Fac. of Electr. Eng.    | UUCP:   ...!uunet!unido!unidui!hl351ge
|  |/    Dept. f. Dataprocessing |