emv@msen.com (Ed Vielmetti) (06/13/91)
FYI, from new-list.
In article <NEW-LIST%91061213025930@NDSUVM1.BITNET> IJBH200@INDYVAX.BITNET (John B Harlan) writes:
From: IJBH200@INDYVAX.BITNET (John B Harlan)
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.new-list
Date: 12 Jun 91 17:58:11 GMT
Archives on ListServ@IndyCMS (BITNET/CREN) Archives & Archivists list
or ListServ@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu (Internet)
Archives (Archives & Archivists list) is for all persons involved
and/or interested in archival theory and practice.
To subscribe to the "ARCHIVES" list send e-mail to
ListServ@IndyCMS (BITNET) or ListServ@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu (Internet)
with the following command in the body of the mail:
SUB ARCHIVES yourfirstname yourlastname
List owner/coordinators: Donna B Harlan
Harlan@UCS.Indiana.Edu (Internet)
John B Harlan
IJBH200@IndyVAX.IUPUI.Edu (Internet)
nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson) (06/13/91)
In article <EMV.91Jun12163056@bronte.aa.ox.com> emv@msen.com (Ed Vielmetti) writes:
Archives on ListServ@IndyCMS (BITNET/CREN) Archives & Archivists list
or ListServ@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu (Internet)
Gee, that sounds just like the archivists mailing list that I set up a
while ago. Turned out that we didn't have anything to talk about,
so I nuked it...
--russ <nelson@clutx.clarkson.edu> I'm proud to be a humble Quaker.
Clear cutting is criminal, spiking trees is criminal, and using hyperbole of
this magnitude in a serious discussion is criminal. -- Irv Chidsey