[comp.society.development] The Net in India

ajayshah@alhena.usc.edu (Ajay Shah) (05/24/91)

In article <1991May23.211452.17937@netcom.COM> jms@netcom.COM (John Schonholtz) writes:
>In article <1991May23.115550.966@darwin.ntu.edu.au> b_duke@darwin.ntu.edu.au (Brian Duke) writes:
>>How many sites in real developing countries are on the net. Is this group
>>going to be another case of the well developed pontificating about the less

There are roughly 50 institutions in India, mostly Universities
and Research Labs which have access to Internet for email ONLY.
As far as I know, a very small fraction of these (< 5 for sure)
get a newsfeed.

Many private companies have access to Internet, a fallout of the
above networking efforts.  I routinely interact with my sisters
in Bombay by email as a consequence.

Reading and writing news is not too common, because it's quite
new and because only a few organisations have it in the first

There are tremendous computer skills in India, the stumbling
block here is a fabulously inefficient state-owned telecom
Ajay Shah, (213)734-3930, ajayshah@usc.edu
                             The more things change, the more they stay insane.