(Victor M Mendoza-Grado) (06/20/91)
========================================== REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION: SOC.CULTURE.MEXICO ========================================== Please read all of this article carefully before replying. The proposed group is as follows: NAME: soc.culture.mexico MODERATION: none CHARTER: A forum to discuss all aspects of Mexican culture, such as: - Food and crafts - Cultural events (theatre, museums, movies, tv) - News from Mexico - Travel information - Indigenous issues - Mexican-American culture - Politics related to Mexico, such as: + Free Trade agreement + Technology transfer + USA foreign policy towards Mexico + Central America issues + Mexico's role in international affairs - and much more . . . Everyone is welcome. LANGUAGES: English preferred but Spanish is sufficient. BACKGROUND: The time has come for a newsgroup on Mexico and its culture, and to complement and broaden the scope of MEXICO-L. This was discussed briefly last month in soc.culture.latin-america and this is the formal request for discussion and to invite readers for a forthcoming voting period, barring major objections to it. COMMENTS: This request is to follow the guidelines for USENET newsgroup creation that also recommend that followups be forwarded to news.groups where the actual discussion shall take place. After the duration of the discussion period of 4 weeks, the call for votes will be issued. -- Victor -- ==================================================================== Victor M. Mendoza Grado AT&T Bell Laboratories / ..!att!iexist!victor