(Fabio Marino) (05/15/91)
CALL FOR VOTES : SOC.CULTURE.ITALIAN STATUS : UNMODERATED CHARTER : The purpose of this group is to offer a forum for the discussion of all issues related to the Italian culture, ranging from arts and entertainment to politics and cultural events. PERSONAL COMMENTS : This group has been running under the trial hierarchy for the last five months. Unfortunately, due to the scarce distribution of the trial groups, only a few of the interested readers have been reached by t.s.c.i., it is therefore necessary to allow the creation of s.c.i. under the regular hierachy in order to allow broader access to this much needed group. Even on something like 50 sites, as I estimate, the traffic has been pretty intense on t.s.c.i. for the past 5 months. Furthermore, the Italian Academic Institutions have just recently gained access to USENET, so that an even broader audience is now available for s.c.i. VOTING PROCEDURE : Votes will be now accepted for the period of 31 days, starting on May 14th 1991 and ending on June 13th 1991. Votes shall be mailed to : With the following subject line : YES : soc.culture.italian If you vote for the creation of s.c.i. NO : soc.culture.italian If you vote against the creation of s.c.i. Thanks for your time, Fabio Marino (Fabio Marino) (05/28/91)
CALL FOR VOTES : SOC.CULTURE.ITALIAN STATUS : UNMODERATED CHARTER : The purpose of this group is to offer a forum for the discussion of all issues related to the Italian culture, ranging from arts and entertainment to politics and cultural events. PERSONAL COMMENTS : This group has been running under the trial hierarchy for the last five months. Unfortunately, due to the scarce distribution of the trial groups, only a few of the interested readers have been reached by t.s.c.i., it is therefore necessary to allow the creation of s.c.i. under the regular hierachy in order to allow broader access to this much needed group. Even on something like 50 sites, as I estimate, the traffic has been pretty intense on t.s.c.i. for the past 5 months. Furthermore, the Italian Academic Institutions have just recently gained access to USENET, so that an even broader audience is now available for s.c.i. VOTING PROCEDURE : Votes will be now accepted for the period of 30 days, starting on May 28th 1991 and ending on June 26th 1991 at 23:59 UT. Votes shall be mailed to : With the following subject line : YES : soc.culture.italian If you vote for the creation of s.c.i. NO : soc.culture.italian If you vote against the creation of s.c.i. The exact format of the subject line is not important, as long as your vote is unambiguous. This format makes it easier for me to count your vote. Thanks for your time, -- Fabio Marino Graduate Student UCLA Computer Science Department Brain Research Institute (Fabio Marino) (05/30/91)
VOTAZIONE : soc.culture.italian FORMATO : non moderato PROGRAMMA : Lo scopo di questo gruppo e' quello di offrire un foro adeguato per la discussione di qualsiasi argomento riguardante la cultura italiana, dall'arte allo spettacolo alle manifestazioni culturali. COMMENTI : Questo gruppo e' entrato in servizio come trial group circa cinque mesi fa. Disgraziatamente, a causa della scarsa distribuzione dei trial groups, solo uno scarso numero di lettori ha avuto accesso a t.s.c.i. e pertanto ritengo sia giunta l'ora di instituire s.c.i. sotto la gerarchia USENET cosi'che un maggior numero di lettori possa esser raggiunto dal gruppo. Nonostante la distribuzione di t.s.c.i. non raggiunga piu' di 50 sites, secondo una mia stima, il volume di traffico su t.s.c.i. e' stato abbastanza elevato, negli ultimi cinque mesi. Inoltre, e' solo da poco tempo che alcuni atenei italiani hanno ottenuto accesso ad USENET, creando un'audience ancor piu' ampia per s.c.i. PROCEDURA : I voti saranno raccolti per un periodo di 31 giorni, a partire dal 14 Maggio 1991 sino al 13 Giugno 1991. I voti saranno inviati via e-mail al seguente indirizzo : Con il seguente Subject Line : YES : soc.culture.italian Per votare a favore della creazione di s.c.i. NO : soc.culture.italian Per votare contro la creazione di s.c.i. Grazie, Fabio Marino -- Fabio Marino Graduate Student UCLA Computer Science Department Brain Research Institute