[biz.sco.announce] Advanced Computing Environment

dionj@sco.COM (Dion L. Johnson) (05/22/91)


On April 9, 1991, twenty-one systems vendors announced the
Advanced Computing Environment (ACE) initiative.  This worldwide announcement
has been viewed by many industry leaders as one of the most significant
in the computer industry.

The members of the ACE initiative would like to invite you to an event
during Xhibition 91 which will highlight the momentum behind ACE.
The ACE Developer Forum has been organized to provide you with more
detailed information concerning ACE and the business opportunities
that you will be able to take advantae of.  Executives from a number of
the system vendors who are members of ACE will be in attendance to
answer your specific questions.

When:		June 5, 1991
		6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Presentations
		8:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Hors d'ouveres, cocktails and music

Where:	San Jose Convention Center	Room J
	San Jose, California

Agenda:	ACE Initiative			Digital Equipment Corporation
	Open Desktop Overview		The Santa Cruz Operation
	OS/2 V3.0 Overview		Microsoft
	Vision of the Future		MIPS Computer Systems

The information you will receive at the ACE Developer Forum will help you
better understand how to incorporate ACE into your future business plan.
Make arrangements to attend now and be a part of the exciting world of ACE.

The worldwide leaders in the computer systems market participating in
the initiative include: The Acer Group, Compaq Computer Corporation,
Control Data Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation, Kubota Computer Inc.,
Microsoft Corporation, MIPS Computer Systems Inc. NEC Corporatin, NKK
Corporation, Olivetti Systems and Networks, Prime Computer Inc., Pyramid
Technology Corporation, The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., Siemens
A.G./Automation, Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, Silicon Graphics
Computer Systems, Sony Corporation, Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.,
tandem Computers Inc., Wang Laboratories Inc., and Zenith Data Systems
(a Groupe Bull company).

If you'd like to attend, we ask you to
complete the registration form below, by May 31, 1991 and return to:

	SCO, Marc Burch		FAX no. 408-458-4227
     or email to marcb@sco.com

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ACE Developer Forum   Registration Form

June 5, 1991

Attention:		Marc Burch		FAX: (408)458-4227

Name:		_________________________________________________

Position:	_________________________________________________

Company name:	_________________________________________________

Address:	_________________________________________________



Phone:		_________________________________________________

FAX:		_________________________________________________