[comp.org.acm] Correction and Apology

nautilus@nuge113.its.rpi.edu (John M Twilley) (04/27/91)

I made an error in my post.

I meant to say that the number of _active_ members had dropped.

I apologize for any confusion.

Yes, the RPI student chapter of the ACM is working on several new projects,
some of which I am directly involved with.  I believe that my word choice
may have misconstrued what I meant to say.  

Again, I apologize for any confusion.  Thank you for your understanding.

|John M. Twilley  (Nautilus)|"Electricity is the dangerous|Disclaimer: Take|
|Internet:  nautilus@rpi.edu| stuff in an extension cord."|what I say with |
|BITNet:   Nautilus@RPITSMTS|(paraphrased from S. Dorner) |a grain of salt.|