[comp.org.acm] RPI-ACM equipment

dkrapf@acm.rpi.edu (Don Krapf) (05/01/91)

In article <1991Apr27.192155.19735@menudo.uh.edu>
 uhacm@menudo.uh.edu (ACM/UH) writes:
>In article <a2wgc9a@rpi.edu> acm@acm.rpi.edu (RPI-ACM) writes:
>>So what is our "main attraction" nowadays?  There are several, depending on
>>the user:
>>- Providing accounts for the MTS operating system and for the ACM operated
>>  3b2 UNIX machines (which we got from AT&T).
>We at ACM/UH are interested in this.  Did AT&T give you the 3B2's as a
>donation for tax purposes?  Or did you purchase them?  If you bought
>them, how much did you spend and where did the money come from?

Let me clarify this for Allen.  AT&T donated the equipment to our CS
department.  (probably as a tax right-off)  Since the CS department
currently has no use for it, they have lent it to us.  We maintain
and operate it.  The machines are actually owned by our CS


Don Krapf

dkrapf@acm.rpi.edu                   userfry0@mts.rpi.edu