(Craig Partridge) (05/03/91)
There were a couple of articles submitted mentioning that joining an ACM SIG is often useful. I thought I'd mention that if you are an ACM member, you can join one SIG for free each year. Just call up the membership line and ask to add the SIG to your ACM membership. You'll be billed the SIG dues starting with your next ACM renewal. By the way, I suggest spending a few minutes looking through the SIG publications in your local technical library before joining a SIG. See if you think the articles in the SIG newsletter are interesting, and check to see if the issues appear to be coming out regularly (only about a quarter of the SIGs publish on a regular quarterly schedule). If you're gonna testdrive a SIG, at least make sure you kick the tires a bit first. Craig Partridge Editor, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review PS: If you want to check on SIGCOMM, you can also look at our on-line archives. Many of the papers are available on-line in PostScript on in the directory CCR. Papers are in different directories by issue.