[comp.org.acm] Results: ACM Role Playing Game

jsaker@zeus.unomaha.edu (Jamie Saker -- Vice President, UNO ACE) (05/29/91)

I want to thank everyone who sent replies to "The ACM Role Playing Game."
Not only did I receive some excellent suggestions (along with several
that were funnier than most rec.humor.funny contributions), but I
received a surprising note from Beth Olson of ACM, who had forwarded
my information to the appropriate people at national.  I personally
want to thank Beth for her active role. She certainly is an asset
to the organization.

Perhaps the best conclusion that can be drawn from this experience 
is that ACM is an organization trying to grow (this newsgroup is
proof of that statement!). If you have a negative experience with
the organization, let them know - they want to help!

Again, my thanks to all that played:-)

For those who were curious, here is a tally of the replies to the

Response					Tally

"Dump CIGCAS" and stick w/ the rest		|

"Raise Hell"					|

Contact ACM 					||||

"Pay the $22" only				||

Join other active SIGs				|

Join IEEE instead				|

"Try paying the real rate, not the		|
student discount rate"

Total Response:					11


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Jamie Saker				    jsaker@zeus.unomaha.edu (Internet).
Vice President 			    	 	jsaker@unoma1 (BITNET). 
Director, Information Services						      .
UNO Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs				      .
CBA 503, UNO		"No Red Beads until further notice. Failure	      .
Omaha, NE  68182	to comply will result in immediate termination."      .
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