OLSON@ACMVM.BITNET (Beth Olson, ACM Headquarters) (06/06/91)
Greetings all, For some time now, we've been talking about how to get ACM local groups aware of (and hopefully involved in) ACM conferences taking place in their local areas. The Local Activities Board, the Conferences Board, and staff at HQ are working on some sort of process to make the notification automatic. I am hoping that something will be done by the fall. In the meantime, the staff in the SIG Services department has taken the first step, which is sending out a list of all the new conferences added to their database in the last two months. So here it is -- take a look. If there is a conference being planned in your area, and if your group is interested in getting involved, contact to conference organizer. Students note: MANY ACM conferences offer free registration to students who put in a half-day of volunteering. Chapters note: a COUPLE ACM conferences have been known to arrange surplus sharing with local groups who take care of conference local arrangements. Feedback, please...is this useful? Regards- Beth ============================================================================== CR #: 2434 Dates: 08/05/91 - 08/07/91 Type: In Cooperation Title: 4th Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory SIGS: SIGACT SIGART Others: Office of Naval Res Budget Att: 110 Location: Santa Cruz, CA Contact: Manfred Warmuth Phone: 408/459-4950 E-Mail: manfred at cis.ucsc.idu Status: Tentative Date:05/28/91 CR #: 2361 Dates: 06/10/92 - 06/12/92 Type: Sponsored Title: 8th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry SIGS: SIGACT SIGGRAPH Location: Berlin, Germany Contact: S. Schottker Phone: E-Mail: schottker at tcs.fu-berlin.de Status: TMRF Mailed Date:05/01/91 CR #: 2310 Dates: 03/22/92 - 03/25/92 Type: Sponsored Title: The 4th Conference on Theoretical Aspects through Reasoning about Knowledge SIGS: SIGART Location: Monterey, CA Contact: Yoram Moses Phone: 617/621-6677 E-Mail: yoram at wisdom.weizmann.ac.il Status: TMRF Mailed Date:05/03/91 CR #: 2422 Dates: 01/27/92 - 01/29/92 Type: Co-Sponsored Title: ACM/SIGACT-SIAM: Conference on Discrete Algorithms SIGS: SIGACT Others: SIAM Budget Att: 220 Location: Orlando, FL Contact: Bill Kolata Phone: 215/382-9800 E-Mail: siam at wharton.upenn.edu Status: SHORT FORM RCD -TENT Date:05/29/91 CR #: 2752 Dates: 07/20/92 - 07/24/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: Large Symposium on Logical Foundation of Computer Science SIGS: SIGACT Location: Tver, USSR Contact: Anil Nerode Phone: 607/255-8005 E-Mail: anil at mssun7.msi.cornell.edu Status: TMRF Mailed Date:05/30/91 CR #: 2753 Dates: 03/??/92 - 03/??/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: 24th Annual Symp. on the Interface of Computing Science and Stat. SIGS: SIGACT Others: Ntl Sec Agcy Dept Energy Budget Att: Naval Res/Army Res AFOSci Rsch & NIH Location: College Station, TX Contact: H. Joseph Newton Phone: 409/845-3141 E-Mail: jnewton at stat.tamu.edu Status: TMRF Mailed Date:05/30/91 CR #: 2754 Dates: 09/24/91 - 09/27/91 Type: In Cooperation Title: Int'l Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science SIGS: SIGACT Others: Tohoku University Budget Att: Location: Sendai, Japan Contact: Albert Meyer Phone: (617) 253-6024 E-Mail: Meyer at lcs.mit.edu Status: TMRF Mailed Date:05/30/91 CR #: 3387 Dates: 10/19/92 - 10/20/92 Type: Sponsored Title: 1992 Volume Visualization Workshop SIGS: SIGGRAPH Others: Budget Att: 200 Location: Boston, MA Contact: Larry Gelberg Phone: 508-287-0100 E-Mail: larryg at stardaent.com Status: SHORT FORM RCD - PNR Date:04/24/91 CR #: 2749 Dates: 04/06/92 - 04/08/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: 1992 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics SIGS: SIGGRAPH Others: Nat'l Sci Foundation Off Naval Research Budget Att: Army Ballistic Lab Location: Cambridge, MA Contact: David Zeltzer Phone: 617/253-5995 E-Mail: dz at media-lab.media.mit.edu Status: New Request Date:05/22/91 CR #: 3750 Dates: 07/13/92 - 07/17/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: State of the Art in Computer Graphics SIGS: SIGGRAPH Others: British Comp. Soc Budget Att: 125 Location: Reading, United Kingdom Contact: Rae Earnshaw Phone: 44-532-335414 E-Mail: eclrae at leeds.cms1 Status: Receipt Acknowledged Date:05/23/91 CR #: 2423 Dates: 06/17/92 - 06/19/92 Type: Sponsored Title: 1992 SIGSMALL/PC Symposium SIGS: SIGSMALL Location: San Jose, CA Contact: S. Ron Oliver Phone: 805-756-2824 E-Mail: sroliver at polyslo.calpoly.edu Status: New Request Date:05/10/91 CR #: 2533 Dates: 03/18/92 - 03/20/92 Type: Sponsored Title: TAU'92: 1992 ACM International Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of SIGS: SIGDA Location: Princeton, NJ Contact: Sharad Malick Phone: 609/258-4625 E-Mail: sharad at ee.princeton.edu Status: SHORT FORM RCD - PNR Date:04/30/91 CR #: 2748 Dates: 03/30/92 - 04/02/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: International Symposium on Parallel Processing SIGS: SIGARCH Others: IEEE-CS Budget Att: 300 Location: Beverly Hills, CA Contact: Larry Canter Phone: 714-738-3414 Status: Receipt Acknowledged Date:05/10/91 CR #: 2354 Dates: 03/18/92 - 03/20/92 Type: Sponsored Title: ACM SIGUCCS Computer Center Management Symposium SIGS: SIGUCCS Location: St. Louis, MO Contact: Larry Westermeyer Phone: 314/553-6000 (6010) E-Mail: slwwest at umslvma Status: New Request Date:05/15/91 CR #: 2746 Dates: 10/23/91 - 10/25/91 Type: In Cooperation Title: The Seventh Symposium on Human Interface SIGS: SIGCHI Others: ICE Comm for HI Budget Att: 350 Location: Kyoto, Japan Contact: Takao Kurokawa Phone: 81727-38-4407 Status: Tentative Date:04/23/91 CR #: 2736 Dates: 03/25/91 - 03/28/91 Type: Sponsored Title: Computers, Freedom and Privacy 2 SIGS: SIGCAS SIGCOMM Location: Washington, DC Contact: Lance Hoffman Phone: 202-994-4955 E-Mail: hoffman at sees.gwu.edu Status: SHORT FORM RCD - PNR Date:04/22/91 CR #: 2719 Dates: 03/11/92 - 03/13/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: Fifth Annual Computer Virus and Security SIGS: SIGSAC Others: Data Proce Mgmt Assn Budget Att: 300 Location: New York, NY Contact: Richard G. Lefkon Phone: 212-641-6159 Status: Approved Date:05/20/91 CR #: 2309 Dates: 04/13/92 - 04/16/92 Type: Co-Sponsored Title: Second Maghrebin Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence SIGS: SIGSOFT Others: IEEE IFIP - Geneva Budget Att: AICA - Milano AFCET - Paris Location: Tunis Belvedere, Tunisia Contact: Noureddine Boudriga Phone: 216.1/662-886 Status: TMRF Mailed Date:04/25/91 CR #: 3101 Dates: 09/22/92 - 09/24/92 Type: Sponsored Title: Workshop on the Multipolicy Machine SIGS: SIGSAC Location: Little Compton, RI Contact: Vicki Ashby Phone: 703/883-6368 Status: New Request Date:05/15/91 CR #: 3716 Dates: 10/05/92 - 10/07/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: CSEE 92: Sixth SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education and 11th SEI Educator SIGS: SIGCSE SIGSOFT Others: SEI IEEE-CS Budget Att: Location: San Diego, CA Contact: Carol Sledge Phone: 412/268-7708 E-Mail: cas at sei.cmu.edu Status: New Request Date:04/17/91 CR #: 2724 Dates: 03/26/92 - 03/27/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: Symposium on Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems SIGS: SIGOPS SIGCOMM SIGARCH Others: IEEE TCDP USENIX Budget Att: Location: Newport, CA Contact: George W. Leach Phone: (813) 530-2376 E-Mail: reggie at paradyne.com Status: New Request Date:04/26/91 CR #: 3747 Dates: 10/14/92 - 10/16/92 Type: In Cooperation Title: International Conference on Database Theory SIGS: SIGMOD Others: German Comp. Society Budget Att: Location: Berlin, Germany Contact: Gottfried Vossen Phone: +49-241-804558 E-Mail: vossen at informatik.rwth-aachen.de Status: New Request Date:05/07/91 CR #: 3404 Dates: 08/??/93 - 08/??/93 Type: Co-Sponsored Title: APL'93 : International Conference on APL SIGS: SIGAPL Location: Charlotte, NC Contact: Bill Thomas Phone: 704/536-8649 Status: New Request Date:05/28/91 CR #: 3711 Dates: 04/06/93 - 04/08/93 Type: In Cooperation Title: The Third International Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications SIGS: SIGMOD Others: IEEE CS Budget Att: Location: Daejon, KOREA Contact: Song-Chun Moon Phone: +82-2-966-1931 x3742 E-Mail: moon at csd.kaist.ac.kr Status: New Request Date:05/29/91 CR #: 2179 Dates: 03/01/92 - 03/03/92 Type: Sponsored Title: 1992 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing SIGS: SIGAPP Location: Kansas City, MO Contact: Hal Berghel Phone: (501) 575-7343 E-Mail: hlb at uafhp.uark.edu Status: SHORT FORM RCD - PNR Date:05/31/91 BETH OLSON, ACM CHAPTER ACTIVITIES 212/869-7440 (PHONE) 11 WEST 42ND STREET 212/944-1318 (FAX) NEW YORK, NY 10036 OLSON@ACMVM.BITNET
faigin@AEROSPACE.AERO.ORG (06/07/91)
I notice a couple of things missing from this list: 1) The Seventh Computer Security Applications Conference (being held in cooperation with SIGSAC) is looking for Student Volunteers. The conference is Dec 2-6 1991 in San Antonio, TX. 2) There will be Computer Security Day observations in several cities. This is something the local chapters can (and should, in my opinion), be involved in to whatever extent that can be. The ACM POC is Lisa Ernst <ernst@acmvm.bitnet>. Daniel (Chair, LA TACSAC) [W]:The Aerospace Corp. M1/055 * POB 92957 * LA, CA 90009-2957 * 213/336-8228 [Email]:faigin@aerospace.aero.org [Vmail]:213/336-5454 Box#3149 "A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually" -- Abba Eban
prisoner@jec312.its.rpi.edu (Allen S. Firstenberg) (06/11/91)
faigin@AEROSPACE.AERO.ORG writes: >2) There will be Computer Security Day observations in several cities. This is >something the local chapters can (and should, in my opinion), be involved in >to whatever extent that can be. The ACM POC is Lisa Ernst ><ernst@acmvm.bitnet>. When is "Computer Security Day"?... any other public announcements about it? -- UID = 5553, CCID = F8PG, ID = 6 I am just a number prisoner@rpi.edu "refs unpersons" prisoner@acm.rpi.edu --- 1984
faigin@aero.org (Daniel P. Faigin) (06/11/91)
On 10 Jun 91 18:55:22 GMT, prisoner@jec312.its.rpi.edu (Allen S. Firstenberg) said:
> When is "Computer Security Day"?... any other public announcements about it?
Computer Security Day is December 2nd. The original goal of the day was to
have at least one day a year when everyone was aware of computer security
(like the one day a year when you should change the batteries in your smoke
alarm). Good things to do are:
o change your password
o backup your system
o conduct user education on security
o review disaster plans
[W]:The Aerospace Corp. M1/055 * POB 92957 * LA, CA 90009-2957 * 213/336-8228
[Email]:faigin@aerospace.aero.org [Vmail]:213/336-5454 Box#3149
"A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one
believes individually" -- Abba Eban