[ai.general] Seminar on Knowledge Acquisition at Dept of AI, Edinburgh

tw@aifh.ed.ac.uk (toby) (05/21/91)

Departmental Seminar at 2pm, 22 May in F10, 80 South Bridge.

                             Nigel Shadbolt
                            Psychology Dept, 
                         Nottingham University,

   "Fact, fantasies and frameworks: the design of a knowledge acquisition

In this talk I will describe a system aimed at providing software support
for the process of knowledge acquisition. Such support comprises a
workbench incorporating a number of knowledge acquisition tools. These
include knowledge elicitation techniques such as sorting and rating
methods, together with machine learning techniques. The talk will focus on
the various problems raised by this work. These include: defining an
adequate view of the general acquisition process, developing an
appropriate implementation architecture, directing knowledge acquisition
via knowledge level models and producing a sufficiently powerful
representation language to integrate the results of acquisition.


For more information about this or future seminars please contact
Toby Walsh <T.Walsh@ed.ac.uk> at Dept of AI.

Toby Walsh,                       JANET: Toby_Walsh@uk.ac.edinburgh
Dept of Artificial Intelligence,  ARPA: Toby_Walsh%uk.ac.ed@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk