jcc@axis-design.axis-design.fr (Jean-Christophe Collet) (04/16/91)
Hello folks, Since it may be of interest to many of the readers of this newsgroup/mailing list I wish to announce that I just posted the April issue of the C++ Products & Books List in comp.lang.c++. If you don't have access to comp.lang.c++, let me know! BTW, I'm looking for an ftp site to make this list reachable. Anybody has an idea ? So long, -- jean-Christophe (aka "Jessie") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jcc@axis-design.fr | "An artificial intelligence is better than none!" ..!inria!axis-design!jcc| "Artificial intelligence matches natural stupidity!" Collet Jean-Christophe | "Objets inanimes avez-vous donc une ame ?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axis Design | 119, rue de Flandres | 75019 Paris | <this space left intentionaly blank> France | Tel: +33 (1) 40 35 20 20 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------