[comp.windows.interviews] Interviews 3.0 beta on Apollo

defert@cernapo (Philippe Defert) (04/24/91)

I would like to have InterViews on Apollo, I have got CC 2.1 and g++
1.37.1. I use SR10.3 and cc is 6.8 (I tried also 6.7).

I tried both:

CC gives me: 

CC +p +i       -Dcplusplus_2_1    -I..  -I../../../.././src/include \ 
-I/usr/local/include  -A,cpu,3000 -A,runtype,bsd4.3 -A,systype,any  \
 -c ../dispatcher.c
CC: error: `/usr/apollo/lib/c++cpp' terminated with signal 11 (1922)
make: *** [dispatcher.o] Error 1

And the same without the "+i" option

g++ does not crash but does not compile as it is well known.

Has anybody found a solution ? What did I do wrong ?
Thanks for your help.

Philippe Defert: Computing and Networks Division
                 European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Earth mail:                     |          E-mail:
   CERN / CN / AS               |      defert@cernvax.cern.ch
CH-1211 Geneve 23. Switzerland. |      defert@cernvax.UUCP
Voice:                          |      defert@cernvax.bitnet
   + 41 22 7674933              |      psi%02284681140551::defert

defert@cernapo (Philippe Defert) (04/24/91)

(rtb@cernapo.cern.ch) Rainer Toebbicke from CERN (also), found that it
was sufficient to define:

#define CCDriver CC +p -D__STDC__

Now it is compiling OK... It is not yet tested !!!

Sorry to have posted too early.


Philippe Defert: Computing and Networks Division
                 European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Earth mail:                     |          E-mail:
   CERN / CN / AS               |      defert@cernvax.cern.ch
CH-1211 Geneve 23. Switzerland. |      defert@cernvax.UUCP
Voice:                          |      defert@cernvax.bitnet
   + 41 22 7674933              |      psi%02284681140551::defert