[comp.windows.interviews] InterViews 3.0beta bug report

youki@newvenus.ics.osaka-u.ac.jp (Youki Kadobayashi) (04/26/91)

I've installed InterViews 3.0 beta (fix1 applied) on:
	machine:  Sun3/80
	OS:       SunOS 4.0.3
	compiler: Sun C++ 2.0
	server:   X11R4 monochrome

	I added following instruction to src/config/InterViews/local.def.
	It was difficult for me to figure out "template" corresponds
	to "Imake.tmpl".
#define ExtraCCFlags +i

#define ImakeFlags \
      -DUseInstalled \                                                @@\
      -T/interviews/src/config/InterViews/template \                  @@\
      -I/interviews/src/config -I/usr/lib/X11/config                  @@\

	can't link ibuild
	  "ld: undefined symbol: _waitpid" (known problem, I know)
	iclass doesn't run.
	  window frame appear; immediately disappear.
	ifb causes segmentation fault

I'll try to fix these problems. Of course, I welcome any information.
Youki Kadobayashi
Information Network Architecture Lab.
Dept. of Info. and Comp. Sci, Osaka University, Japan