[comp.windows.interviews] How to display a composition?

sung@rigel.csc.ti.com ("Helen Chang ", sung@csc.ti.com) (05/10/91)

I'd like to display a Composition contains Labels, and update
this display when new Labels are added.  Could someone help me
identify where is wrong and how to make it work?

Thanks a lot.


#include <stream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <InterViews/arraycomp.h>
#include <InterViews/character.h>
#include <InterViews/color.h>
#include <InterViews/composition.h>
#include <InterViews/deck.h>
#include <InterViews/discretion.h>
#include <InterViews/font.h>
#include <InterViews/glyph.h>
#include <InterViews/handler.h>
#include <InterViews/label.h>
#include <InterViews/listener.h>
#include <InterViews/monoglyph.h>
#include <InterViews/patch.h>
#include <InterViews/sensor.h>
#include <InterViews/strut.h>
#include <InterViews/window.h>
#include <InterViews/world.h>

class TestViewer : public MonoGlyph, public Handler {
	TestViewer(Font*, Color*);
	virtual void event() {}
	void item_append(Glyph* );
	void update();

	Listener*	_listener;
	Composition*	_lines;
	Patch*		_textPatch;


TestViewer::TestViewer(Font* f, Color* fg)
	: MonoGlyph(nil), Handler()
	_lines=new TBComposition(
		new Deck(),
		new ArrayCompositor(1),
		new Discretionary(
			new Character(0216, f, fg)
		8, 5);
	_textPatch = new Patch(_lines);

	_listener = new Listener(_textPatch, this);
	_listener->sensor()->button(true, Event::any);


void TestViewer::item_append(Glyph* g)
{	_lines->append(g);

void TestViewer::update()
{	_lines->repair();


static PropertyData props[] = {
    { nil }

static OptionDesc options[] = {
    { nil }

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	World world("Test", argc, argv, options, props);
	Font* f = world.font();
	Color* fg = world.foreground();

	TestViewer* viewer = new TestViewer(f, fg);
				// the original display in unreadable
instead of blank.
				// Next 3 lines are supposed to put one line there.
/*	Glyph* g = new Label("first line", f, fg);

	ApplicationWindow window(viewer);
	return 0;

calder@uluru.stanford.edu (Paul Calder) (05/11/91)

Helen Chang asks about updating Compositions and offers some sample

Compositions take a list of glyphs and break it into smaller pieces.
Then they build composite glyphs for each of the pieces.  This
functionality is usually associated with formatting text; breaking
paragraphs into lines and lines into columns are classic applications
of Compositions.

Helen, I can't see why your example needs a Composition at all.  If
you just want to display a column of Labels (and have the display
update when you add new items) then a simpler arrangement will
suffice.  Something like this, perhaps...

class TestViewer : public MonoGlyph, public Handler {
	TestViewer(Font*, Color*);
	virtual void event() {}
	void item_append(Glyph* );
	void update();

	Listener*	_listener;
        TBBox*          _lines;
	Patch*		_textPatch;

TestViewer::TestViewer(Font* f, Color* fg)
	: MonoGlyph(nil), Handler()
	_lines = new TBBox();
	_textPatch = new Patch(_lines);

	_listener = new Listener(_textPatch, this);
	_listener->sensor()->button(true, Event::any);


void TestViewer::item_append(Glyph* g)
{	_lines->append(g);

void TestViewer::update()
{	_textPatch->reallocate();

Paul Calder
Computer Systems Lab
Stanford University

sung@rigel.csc.ti.com ("Helen Chang ", sung@csc.ti.com) (05/11/91)


>   Compositions take a list of glyphs and break it into smaller pieces.
>   Then they build composite glyphs for each of the pieces.  This
>   functionality is usually associated with formatting text; breaking
>   paragraphs into lines and lines into columns are classic applications
>   of Compositions.
>   Helen, I can't see why your example needs a Composition at all.  If
>   you just want to display a column of Labels (and have the display
>   update when you add new items) then a simpler arrangement will
>   suffice.  Something like this, perhaps...
Thanks for the reply and codes.

However, I would like to arrange those label in a form like texts (but the
contents are all Labels of text string intead of individual characters).
I reduced codes to one layer of composite glyph hoping to find out why was
the display blurred.  The TBBox version also produces a similar image consists
of look-like randon green/blue/white spots (instead of readable text such as
"first line").  Why is it?

Thanks in advance.

Helen Chang

calder@ULURU.STANFORD.EDU (Paul Calder) (05/11/91)


The 'random' window happens because you haven't defined a background
(the colored dots come from an unitialized pixmap).  You need to
put the top-level glyph inside a Background.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        Color* bg = world.background();


	ApplicationWindow window(new Background(viewer, bg));
	return 0;