[comp.windows.interviews] Using doc v3.0

calder@uluru.stanford.edu (Paul Calder) (05/15/91)

Peter Brewer asks ...

    I would like to use doc in landscape mode.. e.g. have horizontal or 
    'sideways' slides. What resource can you set to do this?

The page dimensions are part of the document style; you can change
them to whatever you need.  By default, slides style defines

    %textwidth 6in
    %textheight 8.5in

You can add the overrides to the document file itself.  Or you can define
your own style.
Paul Calder
Computer Systems Lab
Stanford University

pwb@mrj.com (Peter W. Brewer) (05/15/91)

>You're right in suggesting that there's no support in InterViews for
>transforming PostScript.  Is there a need?  Why not just use your
>local PostScript printing tools (we use ppr)?

InterViews is a user-interface tool. Where's the menu selection to generate
the correct output for what I've WHYSIWHIG'ed on the screen? If I follow
your earlier suggestion with the widths and heights (which I had done 
before you mention) I get truncated output.. this is not WHYSIWHIG.. 
therefore its wrong.. therefore there is a need. You guys should know that
better than I. 

>If you don't have such any tools, you can hack a quick shell script to

Agreed, thanks for the shell script. I was afraid it might not work with
some of the possible postscript InterViews might generate. Or it might 
not be WHYSIWHIG.. thought you might have had a more elegant solution 
which I had overlooked.
