[comp.windows.interviews] I am looking for a C interpreter.

arnault@lalux1 (05/21/91)

  Being working on a kind of specialized interface builder (for scientific
applications) I am looking for a C interpreter (even not 100% complete) I know
part of the solution taken from some books but I lack time to invest in
generalizing such stuff. Has anyone worked on or does anyone know a ref. of 
such a tool. My problem (which is not covered by the Saber environment) is that
I need to encapsulate the interpreter into C++ objects (or in general in an
user application.) Thanks to anybody for infos or advices...

Christian Arnault
CNRS Orsay (France)
Phone 64 46 84 17
Email EARN::"arnault@frlal51"

schwartz@groucho.cs.psu.edu (Scott Schwartz) (05/22/91)

In article <9105210907.AA28977@LALUX1.local> arnault@lalux1 writes:
|   Being working on a kind of specialized interface builder (for scientific
| applications) I am looking for a C interpreter (even not 100% complete) 

The ups debugger has some of this kind of thing.  It was mentioned in
one of the X newsgroups recently.