[bionet.neuroscience] Introductory Remarks

olds@HELIX.NIH.GOV (James Olds) (04/13/91)

Welcome to the moderated usenet group bionet.neuroscience.
This group has been created for the exchange of scientific
ideas under a multi-disciplinary rubric of neuroscience and
will necessarily reflect the diversity that is now inherent
in the field. The group, while welcoming and encouraging the
participation of computer scientists, will not focus on
artificial neural networks, as there are newsgroups already
on the Usenet dedicated to this and related topics. Rather,
scientists such as physiologists, computational
neuroscientists, molecular biologists, and behavioral
scientists will be encouraged to interact through this
medium to discuss the function, evolution, and structure of
biologic nervous systems. Bionet.neuroscience will also be
the place for researchers to sound out novel theories and to
facilitate collaborations. Discussions of new papers and
abstracts will be appropriate.