(Vincent A Mazzarella) (04/17/91)
The following is a one page synopsis of a recent one-hour seminar. The impressions are my own and do not reflect accuracy of the facts contained in the presentation. Corrections and discussion are welcomed. The considerations of grafts in spinal cord injury repair need not be restricted to the regeneration of original circuits, but could include partial function restoration through new circuits created between host and graft, i.e. with the graft playing a relay role between host neurons. Besides forming alternate circuits, a graft might also promote sparing of remaining neurons at the periphery of a lesion, and/or may provide a physiological milieu conducive to regeneration of original host circuitry. To examine these issues, a hemisection of spinal cord was scooped out of a segment of several rats' spinal cords. Embryonal (E14) spinal cord tissue (T2-T9, meninges and DRG removed) was then grafted into the area lesioned. Although visible glial scarring occurred between graft and host, PHAL tracer injected into graft neurons showed some processes of graft neurons invading host cord tissue, usually through areas of least scarring. (Most processes, however, ended at the graft/host interface.) In addition, some corticospinal neurons were demonstrated to have grown from host into graft. CGRP staining also showed DRG process ingrowth into the graft, ending in synaptic connections. Lastly, there was apparently lots of host/graft interaction at the interface. When DRG neurons that had invaded a graft were stimulated at 14 uA, an extracellular discharge in the graft could occassionally be found. A 6 msec delay, typical of spinal cord transmission rates, was consistently seen, supporting the implication that a functional connection was being maintained. (Interestingly, the graft also has spontaneous intrinsic activity typical of inhibitory neurons.) Similar results were obtained when a delay of 7 weeks to months following the S.C. injury elapsed before the graft was inserted. The grafts took well, CGRP neuron processes grew in, and functional connections were made. If a suspension of dissociated fetal brain 5-HT cells were injected into the injured host S.C., such cells tended to migrate to areas where 5-HT cells would be expected to localize in S.C. If the S.C. is contused, which would cause petechial hemorrhages releasing proteases to bring about cystic necrosis of the S.C., dissociated cells injected at one spot through the dura (to minimize further trauma) were found to weave into damaged areas. CGRP and robust 5-HT containing processes grew from host into areas where these graft cells had localized. The H-reflex in rats, a functional test, showed a decrease in hyper-reflexia as time went on following the graft, indicating that the inhibitory functions of the spinal cord which were lost with lesioning were being regained. Similar experiments were carried out in cats. Cyclosporin A needed to be given, since inbred strains were not available, to prevent graft rejection. In these studies, graft acceptance, ingrowth of host fibers (as seen by CGRP), and some functional improvement were also seen. However, in one rejected graft, function was not restored, even though neurons surrounding the rejection appeared to not be affected by the rejection. When rat fetal tissue was used as the graft in cat lesions, the normal grey- grey matter integration occurred, but, strangely, some integration of white-grey tissue also occurred, which was not seen in homogenous species grafts, since white tissue is usually walled off from a graft by vigourous glial scarring. Lastly, MRI was being used to image graft viability in the cat S.C., with a 2 Tesla magnet for gross imaging. A 7 Tesla magnet was required for slice imaging of histological quality. From a presentation April 1991: Fetal grafts in spinal cord injuries of rats and cats -- Studies of anatomical repair and functional changes --- Dr. P.J.R., Dept. of Neurosurgery