ifav444@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (A.R. McIntosh) (05/30/91)
An for an international symposium on brain imaging follows. We are interested in soliciting participants to present posters with special emphasis on the following countries: France, Italy, UK, Belgium, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Iceland, Luxembourg, and Norway. For further info please send me email directly so as not to clutter the news group. -------------------------------------------------------------- NATO Advanced Research Workshop Advances in Metabolic Mapping Techniques for Brain Imaging of Behavioral and Learning Functions November 7-9, 1991, Austin, Texas Organized by F. Gonzalez-Lima, T. Finkenstaedt, and H. Scheich. Dedicated in Honor of Louis Sokoloff This workshop will bring together world neuroscientists who are pioneering the use of metabolic mapping techniques to elucidate brain mechanisms of animal learning and behavior. The invited speakers will review state-of-the-art applications of these methods in behavioral neuroscience. Aspects of autoradiographic and histochemical methods, with emphasis on 2-deoxyglucose techniques, will be considered. The opening speech will be by A.I. Leshner, Acting Director, NIMH. Although oral presentations will be limited to the invited speakers, original contributions using brain mapping techniques are solicited for poster sessions in the following behavioral themes: Modulation of sensorimotor systems by experience and behavior Arousal and emotional components of learning and behavior Cerebral representation of associative learning and memory Authors should submit a single page abstract clearly stating their results by July 15, 1991 to the Workshop Director at the address listed below. To stimulate involvement, all attendees are asked to stay for the entire 3-day period. No registration fee will be charged but most participants will be responsible for their expenses. Since attendance will be limited to 40, participants will be selected from applications addressed to the Workshop Director. Workshop Director: Dr. F. Gonzalez-Lima, Associate Professor Department of Psychology and Institute for Neuroscience The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712 USA TEL: (512) 471-9228 FAX: (512) 471-5873 EMAIL: ifav444@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu SPEAKERS N.T. Adler H.-J. Bischof R.M. Cooper D.P. Crews C. Destrade N.H. Diemer T. Finkenstaedt F. Gonzalez-Lima C.L. Hand B. Horwitz J.L. McGaugh A. Morimoto J.N. Nobrega C.A. Porro H. Rahmann P. Room H. Scheich F.R. Sharp L. Sokoloff