[comp.os.coherent] TASS 3.01 - "patches" for small problems

joachim@jrix.radig.de (Joachim Riedel) (04/18/91)


TASS seems to work. 
But someone found out that TASS wants to create everytime you start
it the directory //.mini..

It seems to be just one problem but I found out after twinkling fast 
with my eyes at startup of TASS that there are two problems.

When TASS starts up, it tries to create a directory .tindex. The
second time you start TASS the directory exists and you see the 
following line:

mkdir //.tindex already exists.

I used for mkdir the system command because my libndir has no such
function (any better version/solution ?). The MINIXERS have a better

edit main.c

error:       sprintf (kommando,"mkdir %s\n",indexdir);
solution:    sprintf (kommando,"mkdir %s 2>/dev/null\n",indexdir);

In tass.h there is the other terrifying bug where Coherent normally should 

error:       #define    TASS_HEADER    "Tass 3.01/Minix"
solution:    #define    TASS_HEADER    "Tass 3.01/Coherent"


|    Joachim Riedel                     | @   @ |    Don't worry,   | @   @ |
|    Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 48      |  \_/  |    keep smiling   |  \_/  |
|    D-6050 Offenbach am Main           +-------+-------------------+-------+
|    Tel. +49 69 85 62 25               |       joachim@jrix.radig.de       |  