dtinker@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (David Tinker) (04/22/91)
I downloaded "pathalias" source from BIX. It compiles under Coherent with very little tweaking required, and I was able to generate a table of paths for all sites in the u_can_on map (Ontario, Canada). However the associated file 'makedb.c' that generates a 'dbm' database from path- alias output won't compile because it requires the dbm library, libdbm.a. I note that cnews uses 'sdbm' to search a dbm database. Thus, two questions: 1) Is libdbm.a available on piggy or anywhere else? If someone has it I'd like to get it, or its equivalent (including a man page if possible). 2) Is pathalias available on piggy? (It wasn't on mwcbbs last time I looked). If not, would someone, more familiar with ftp than me, like to upload it? Looks like a lot of people might need it soon. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: David O. Tinker EMAIL: dtinker@blunile.UUCP Blue Nile Software {uunet|utai}!lsuc!aimed!blunile!dtinker Markham, Ont. Canada VOICE: (416) 887-5631 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -- ! David O. Tinker / Department of Biochemistry / University of Toronto / ! ! TORONTO, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A8 / Voice: (416) 978-3636 / ! ! UUCP: dtinker@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca / BITNET: dtinker@vm.utcs.utoronto.ca ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
root@mailgsm.mendelson.com (Superuser) (04/22/91)
dtinker@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (David Tinker) asks: >1) Is libdbm.a available on piggy or anywhere else? If someone has it > I'd like to get it, or its equivalent (including a man page if > possible). >2) Is pathalias available on piggy? (It wasn't on mwcbbs last time I > looked). If not, would someone, more familiar with ftp than me, like > to upload it? Looks like a lot of people might need it soon. > You don't need pathalias at all. Pathalias is for people who act as a network backbone. Since your coherent system is not on the Internet, you dont need it at all. All you need to do is define the systems that you talk to directly. Then add a smart-host line for the next host up the chain to the Internet: For example this is my paths file: gsm001 gsm001!%s 50 gsm001.mendelson.com gsm001!%s 50 mailgsm %s 0 mailgsm.mendelson.com %s 0 mendelson.com gsm001!%s 50 smart-host gsm001!%s 98 gsm001 does not run pathalias either, it has smart-host defined as uunet. When I send mail to a user smail on mailgsm does not know, it sends it up the line to gsm001. gsm001 probably won't know it either, but he sends it up the chain to uunet. uunet can sort out just about any address you give it. If it can't, being directly on the internet, it asks the nameserver at UCB for help. This makes life easier for me as I only need change the paths file when I add or delete a system that I talk to directly. P.s. If your are using the version of smail that was on mwcbbs and experience "wild stores", email me for a fixed version. Geoff. gsm@mailgsm.mendelson.com ------ Geoffrey S. Mendelson
rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly) (04/23/91)
In article <1991Apr21.200115.17787@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca> dtinker@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (David Tinker) writes: >I downloaded "pathalias" source from BIX. It compiles under Coherent >with very little tweaking required, and I was able to generate a table >of paths for all sites in the u_can_on map (Ontario, Canada). However >the associated file 'makedb.c' that generates a 'dbm' database from path- >alias output won't compile because it requires the dbm library, libdbm.a. >I note that cnews uses 'sdbm' to search a dbm database. Yes, sdbm is included with the Cnews distribution. >Thus, two questions: >1) Is libdbm.a available on piggy or anywhere else? If someone has it > I'd like to get it, or its equivalent (including a man page if > possible). >2) Is pathalias available on piggy? (It wasn't on mwcbbs last time I > looked). If not, would someone, more familiar with ftp than me, like > to upload it? Looks like a lot of people might need it soon. The paths database for the world is now up to about 1.7 megs. You should probably have lots of memory, if you are going to include all the maps when you run pathalias. Or find a smart site to connect to, and let it do your routing for you. Rick Kelly rmk@rmkhome.UUCP frog!rmkhome!rmk rmk@frog.UUCP
joachim@jrix.radig.de (Joachim Riedel) (04/25/91)
root@mailgsm.mendelson.com (Superuser) writes: > dtinker@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (David Tinker) asks: > > > >1) Is libdbm.a available on piggy or anywhere else? If someone has it > > I'd like to get it, or its equivalent (including a man page if > > possible). > >2) Is pathalias available on piggy? (It wasn't on mwcbbs last time I > > looked). If not, would someone, more familiar with ftp than me, like > > to upload it? Looks like a lot of people might need it soon. > > > Question 1) I once tried to convince sendmail 5.9 to work with Coherent, just for fun. Sendmail has a dbm/ndbm library that seems to work, I tried it with the aliases-file. But am not sure because it was only a small file. But same files on Interactive 386/ix and Coherent. > You don't need pathalias at all. Pathalias is for people who act as a network > backbone. Since your coherent system is not on the Internet, you dont need it Everybody should try to port every source that seems to be able to work with Coherent Don't think about what you need today, think what may be needed in the future. Joachim +---------------------------------------+-------+-------------------+-------+ | Joachim Riedel | @ @ | Don't worry, | @ @ | | Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 48 | \_/ | keep smiling | \_/ | | D-6050 Offenbach am Main +-------+-------------------+-------+ | Tel. +49 69 85 62 25 | joachim@jrix.radig.de | +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly) (04/27/91)
In article <1991Apr24.202931.20651@jrix.radig.de> joachim@jrix.radig.de (Joachim Riedel) writes: >root@mailgsm.mendelson.com (Superuser) writes: >> dtinker@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (David Tinker) asks: >> >> >> >1) Is libdbm.a available on piggy or anywhere else? If someone has it >> > I'd like to get it, or its equivalent (including a man page if >> > possible). >> >2) Is pathalias available on piggy? (It wasn't on mwcbbs last time I >> > looked). If not, would someone, more familiar with ftp than me, like >> > to upload it? Looks like a lot of people might need it soon. >> > >> >Question 1) > >I once tried to convince sendmail 5.9 to work with Coherent, just for fun. >Sendmail has a dbm/ndbm library that seems to work, I tried it with the >aliases-file. But am not sure because it was only a small file. But same >files on Interactive 386/ix and Coherent. > >> You don't need pathalias at all. Pathalias is for people who act as a network >> backbone. Since your coherent system is not on the Internet, you dont need it > >Everybody should try to port every source that seems to be able to work >with Coherent >Don't think about what you need today, think what may be needed in the future. The main problem with using pathalias to make a paths file is that the paths files is now up to 1.7 megabytes and growing. Pathalias _might_ run out of memory on a 2 megabyte system, unless you are using a swapping kernel. Also, it will take a LONG time on a 286 system. Rick Kelly rmk@rmkhome.UUCP frog!rmkhome!rmk rmk@frog.UUCP
root@mailgsm.mendelson.com (Geoffrey S. Mendelson) (04/29/91)
<1991Apr24.202931.20651@jrix.radig.de> rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly) comments on my comments to dtinker@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (David Tinker) posting: >>> >2) Is pathalias available on piggy? (It wasn't on mwcbbs last time I >>> > looked). If not, would someone, more familiar with ftp than me, like >>> > to upload it? Looks like a lot of people might need it soon. >>> > >>> >>> You don't need pathalias at all. Pathalias is for people who act as a network >>> backbone. Since your coherent system is not on the Internet, you dont need it >> >>Everybody should try to port every source that seems to be able to work >>with Coherent >>Don't think about what you need today, think what may be needed in the future. > >The main problem with using pathalias to make a paths file is that the paths >files is now up to 1.7 megabytes and growing. Pathalias _might_ run out of >memory on a 2 megabyte system, unless you are using a swapping kernel. Also, >it will take a LONG time on a 286 system. > Another problem is that the paths file takes a long time to download. Not all of us have 9600 baud modems. It needs about 3 meg of free disk space to uncompress. Then once we have it we have to run pathalias to produce the paths file. When we are done we get a huge file of paths that 99 percent of will never be used. It just seems to me that while everything we can get we should get, let's use some sense here. After reading the uucp maps, (which I find very interesting, but I don't do it often), I find they are horibly out of date. Some places have been dropped because no one will volunteer to maintain them. It's a lot of hard work, and most people don't bother to send in updates. Ok, I promise I'll send in the update about my domain registration coming through real soon now. In the "real" world pathalias is almost obsolete. (flames here I come) If you are directly connected to the Interent (something I think we will never see on a coherent system) you can ask one of the name servers for the current routing. They are maintained far better than the mail maps. For coherent systems, most of us will have a small uucp network and one network backbone. So what most of us want is a small paths file which we rarely change. Having it updated automaticaly is actualy a disadvantage, as we would need to edit it anyway. What do you place in a paths file? 1. Your domains. Remember that ".UUCP" does not count. You have to be a registed domain to use it. There are some (.com, .edu) that are avilable if you have an internet forwarder (such as uunet) and some (.us) that will take almost anyone that can eventualy receive mail. But you do have to be registered. You may become a subdomain by arrangment with a person who has a domain. Generaly you don't register. You are encouraged to send in a mail map. You register your domain with the u.s. government. I think it is free, but the paperwork is a hassle. UUNET will register its customers free, and non customers for $35.00. I don't know what other domains, (such as .us) charge. 2. All the systems with whom you uucp. 3. All the systems you can reach via a system with whom you uucp, AND they are willing to forward mail. Pathalias does not know the difference between can and may. For example, the Mark Williams' system can talk to uunet and to your system. But don't go trying to send mail across the INTERNET via Mark Williams' system. With both systems in your mail map, that is exactly what would happen. Pathalias would see that you can reach uunet with only one hop. Except that you can't and if you could they would probably turn off your uucp id real fast. NB I did not make this up, the MWCBBS docs mention this. AND NOT TO DO IT. 4. A "smart-host" who is willing to forward ALL of your mail. ------ Geoffrey S. Mendelson I've written and debugged almost eight thousand geoffrey@mendelson.com LINES of C code under Coherent in the last two mwcbbs!mailgsm!geoffrey months. :-) (215) 242-8712 And my wife still speaks to me!
nlane@well.sf.ca.us (Nathan D. Lane) (04/29/91)
I posted the source for pathalias to mwcbbs for anyone who wants it. It needed one simple tweak in the config.h file - to 'undef' GETHOSTNAME and UNAME - Coherent seems to have forgotten the uname function, but the local.c file (which uses those defs) can exec to 'uuname -l' and get the local system name. The 'makepath' program in the tar I posted doesn't work, though. It seems to be a Xenix binary...I should have removed it, but I thought people would be interested in it. (Agree with the theory of porting everything in sight...I'm working on porting the BSD plot(3) library to Coherent, for Hercules, EGA and CGA graphics - as soon as I get the device driver kit, It ought to port smoothly :>) -Nathan Lane Digital Technology Service, Santa Barbara, CA nlane@well.sf.ca.us