In article <>, (John McCombs) says: > >I seem to recall someone posted instructions here on how to extract stuff >from an ftp site by mail a while back, ..... I didn't post that info but I mailed this direct tot the original enquirer. Perhaps other may find it useful too. ----------------- mail message follows ----------------------- Have you ever used "archie"? Its a mail server that keeps indexes of all the anon ftp sites on the internet (it continually updates them). You can ask archie to search on some regular expression and it will mail a report back to you showing which files matching the regular expression, their sites and paths and sizes. I was conviced of its usefulness when hunting for scheme for the mac a short while back -- I would never even known of the of the site where I found the application if I had not used archie. The help message also gives details of the ftp/mail servers. These will do an anon ftp request for you and e-mail the files back to you. There are two such servers bitftp@pucc.bitnet or and another at one of the dec (I think it is the Western Reasearch Labs, com.dec.decwrl) sites. Send the message "help" to and read the reply. It'll tell you about both archie and where to find the servers. Have fun! Kevin Kevin Purcell | Surface Science | Liverpool University | The journey is the reward.