Beverley_Green@MTSG.UBC.CA (04/19/91)
A really good program for any kind of record-keeping is NotebookII put out by Pro/tem Software, Stanford, CA. Fields can be expanded as you need them up to about 64K. It is also very useful for references--you can put all the comments you want on them! The program comes with Bibliography, which will sort through your manuscript and your reference file and make you a bibliography, and Convert which enables you to set up a file for converting database literature searches to your reference file format, e.g. we get Current Contents on diskette, save the PIC file in the Dialog/Medline format, and then convert it to Notebook format. Our computing centre has a site license: all three programs bundled cost about $115 (Can). Maybe we could get an Arabidopsis "deal"? Beverley Green, U.B.C. _____________________ Message: 2889874, Posted: 10:50pm PDT, Wed Apr 17/91, 12 lines To: userID=BRG., From: Subject: Database for Arabidopsis. From: Andrew Millar <chualab@rockvax> Dear Network, We realize that we need a database to keep records of crosses and mutant strains/transgenic stocks in our lab. We don't have anything suitable in Rockefeller. We would be very glad to hear from anyone who is currently run- ning or planning such a program: what software, what fields, which language, etc. Please contact us on the network-perhaps some of the computer experts would like to comment? Andrew.