[bionet.genome.arabidopsis] Database for Arabidopsis.

chualab@ROCKVAX.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (04/18/91)

From: Andrew Millar <chualab@rockvax>

Dear Network,

We realize that we need a database to keep records of crosses and mutant
strains/transgenic stocks in our lab.  We don't have anything suitable in
Rockefeller. We would be very glad to hear from anyone who is currently run-
ning or planning such a program: what software, what fields, which language,
etc. Please contact us on the network-perhaps some of the computer experts
would like to comment?


burr@BNLUX1.BNL.GOV (Benjamin Burr) (04/18/91)

Dear Andrew,
	For a number of years we have used R:Base to manage a variety of data-
bases in our lab including one for all of our genetic stocks.  It is available
for PCs ( Idon't remember if you use macs), it is reasonably user friendly and 
quite versatile.  I learned how to use it in a day because it is well documente.  I have also heard good things about Paradox, but it seems to be more menu
driven and not as flexible.  If you are interested, I can send you the structureof "field" database and a sample of the reports and forms.
	The maize community is implementing a global database for the organism.
It is expected to run under Sybase on a unix operating system.  Ed Coe at the 
University of Missouri is the one to contact for details.

kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (04/19/91)

I'm passing this on to the list, but this is an example of the
BIOSCI-REQUEST problem that I noted yesterday.  The message came to me
instead of the newsgroup.  I will of course simply pass these on if
this happens, but please check to make sure that your reply is
addressed to one of the following addresses if it appears to be coming
from "BIOSCI-REQUEST" as explained in more detail in my note of

Address                               Location        Network
-------                               --------        -------
arab-gen@irlearn.ucd.ie               Ireland         EARN/BITNET
arab-gen@uk.ac.daresbury              U.K.            JANET
arab-gen@bmc.uu.se                    Sweden          Internet
arab-gen@genbank.bio.net              U.S.A.          Internet/BITNET


				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank Manager


Received: from hub.ubc.ca by genbank.bio.net (5.61/IG-2.0) with SMTP 
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Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 10:33:52 PDT
From: Beverley_Green@mtsg.ubc.ca
Message-Id: <2891279@mtsg.ubc.ca>
Subject: Database for Arabidopsis.

A really good program for any kind of record-keeping is NotebookII put out by
Pro/tem Software, Stanford, CA. Fields can be expanded as you need them up to
about 64K. It is also very useful for references--you can put all the comments
you want on them! The program comes with Bibliography, which will sort through
your manuscript and your reference file and make you a bibliography, and 
Convert which enables you to set up a file for converting database literature
searches to your reference file format, e.g. we get Current Contents on 
diskette, save the PIC file in the Dialog/Medline format, and then convert it
to Notebook format. Our computing centre has a site license: all three programs
bundled cost about $115 (Can). Maybe we could get an Arabidopsis "deal"? 
Beverley Green, U.B.C.