[comp.compression] LHarc versus UNIX compress

raveling@Unify.com (Paul Raveling) (03/30/91)

	I just tried an early version of LHarc (V0.03) and got
	very disappointing results.  Is a more recent version
	available by email or by uucp?  Is there reason to believe
	a more recent version would improve this performance

	Alternatively, is there ANYTHING that provider about
	the same degree of compression as Unix "compress" but
	runs significantly faster than "compress"?

	Here are the results, clipped from a script file of
	running lharc and Unix compress on the same image file...


$ time lharc c i.lharc i.p
i.p - Freezing : 
- Freezing : 
- Frozen(56%)
       32.4 real        30.6 user         0.6 sys  
$ time compress <i.p >i.p.Z
        6.7 real         6.1 user         0.5 sys  

	[lharc was 5 times slower than standard "compress"]

File       Size      Last Modify     UsrGrpOth   Owner    Group   
----       ----      -----------     ---------   -----    -----   

i.lharc  470069    Today  09:30:46   rw.rw.r..   raveling staff   
i.p      832882    Today  09:22:42   rw.r..r..   raveling staff   
i.p.Z    443923    Today  09:31:11   rw.rw.r..   raveling staff   

	[lharc produce a file about 6% larger than "compress"]

Paul Raveling

brad@looking.on.ca (Brad Templeton) (03/30/91)

You are not likely to find anything that is much faster than compress,
although one can find programs that compress better -- much better -- and
at similar speed.

The LZW algorithm was designed for speed -- designed to be implemented in
hardware, even.   So it would be a serious achievement to get something
significantly faster.
Brad Templeton, ClariNet Communications Corp. -- Waterloo, Ontario 519/884-7473

davidsen@sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) (03/31/91)

Your speed results are about what I would expect. LHarc is slow. However
I think your old version is doing a poor job of compressing compared to
v1.x. Also you are comparing an archive with a compressed file, a
procedure which counts the header information against the archiver. For
image data I would expect the compressor only code from lharc, known as
freeze, to produce an output which is about 10-15% smaller than compress
on images, up to 40% smaller for some text files.

For very large images the 'compact' compressor does a good job, and it
is most definitely faster than compress.
bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen)
    sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX
    moderator of comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 80386 mailing list
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