[comp.compression] Reply to Ian Taylor's criticism of proposed standard.

ross@spam.ua.oz.au (Ross Williams) (06/21/91)

Ian Taylor (ian@airs.com) writes of the proposed data compression standard:


>>2.3 Use of Memory
>>2.3.1 A  conforming procedure must read  and write only the  memory in
>>the  parameters of  its  parameter list  with  the  exception of  some
>>"extra" memory  (which can take the  form of registers or  local stack
>>variables)  which  it  may  use for  temporary  use,  subject  to  the
>>following conditions:
>>   1) The particular language/environment must ensure that the memory
>>      will be available (i.e. failure during allocation is impossible).
>>   2) The total size of the extra memory does not exceed 1024 bytes.
>>   3) The memory is not used to transfer information in or out of the
>>      instantiation of the conforming procedure.
>This doesn't quite make sense to me as written, although this is
>really just nitpicking.  The program itself is probably in memory, and
>it surely acceptable to read it.  It is surely also acceptable to use
>some sort of constant table during compression (a precomputed
>frequency count, perhaps).  Finally, restriction 3 appears to prohibit
>the accumulation of statistics across several calls; if those
>statistics do not affect the compression, but merely provide
>information that the program can access in some non-standard fashion,
>why prohibit them?

This aim of this section of the standard was to allow the creation and
use  of data  within the  lifespan of  the procedure  invocation while
still  making  it absolutely  clear  that  the procedure  should  only
communicate with the outside world through its parameter list.

It is very dangerous for a compression procedure to read non-parameter
memory as the  compression procedure should not  "know" anything about
its environment  except that which  it received through  its parameter
list. This is in the name of portability.

Use of  a constant table is  acceptable and encouraged so  long as the
table is a static read-only component  of the code. In effect, it then
IS part of the code.

I  sympathize with  the backdoor  statistics  idea. I  have used  this
technique often myself. However, one of the goals (if not THE goal) of
this standard  is to  define constraints  that allow  data compression
procedures to  be quickly and  simply interchanged. If a  procedure is
writing data out  the back door then it hardly  qualifies as standard,
as  the mechanisms  by which  it connects  to the  backdoor reader  or
memory will render it non-portable.

There is  nothing to stop  those who  wish to write  such non-standard
procedures and run  them under a standard test harness.  However, I do
not  think  that they  can  reasonably  call  the procedure  with  the
backdoor code in it "standard".

I think that your  comments show that the wording of  this part of the
standard should be tightened. I will make a note of it.

>>2.6.3 The  identity record must  contain the information  contained in
>>the fields of the following "model" record:
>How about a field for the version number of the standard, so that new
>fields can be more easily added to this record?

A good suggestion which I think should be acted upon. I will make a
note of it.

Thank you for your comments,

Ross Williams