[in.xpert] Backing store patent, is it limited?

afzal@cui.unige.ch (Afzal Ballim) (03/14/91)

>A graphic terminal is disclosed using bitmaps to represent plural
>the overlapping asynchronous windows or layers are manipulated
>by manipulating bitmaps.  With this software, the physical screen

...and so on.

So, does this only cover windows of depth 1? (I.e., 1 bit per pixel.)

Afzal Ballim	             |EAN,BITNET,EARN,MHS,X.400: afzal@divsun.unige.ch
 ISSCO, University of Geneva |UUCP: mcvax!cernvax!cui!divsun.unige.ch!afzal
 54 route des Acacias	     |JANET: afzal%divsun.unige.ch@uk.ac.ean-relay
 CH-1227 GENEVA,Switzerland  |CSNET,ARPA: afzal%divsun.unige.ch@relay.cs.net

brnstnd@kramden.acf.nyu.edu (Dan Bernstein) (03/18/91)

In article <5217@cui.unige.ch> afzal@cui.unige.ch (Afzal Ballim) writes:
> >A graphic terminal is disclosed using bitmaps to represent plural
  [ ... ]
> So, does this only cover windows of depth 1? (I.e., 1 bit per pixel.)

Only if you can convince a court that an 8-bit map is not equivalent to
8 bitmaps. Somehow I doubt it.
