(Nicola Catacchio 259126) (03/08/91)
Here I post a version of a previously posted application to draw fractals.I speeded it up an now it needs "only" two or three hours to compute a screen. To use it, first set coordinates in the same way you would do to draw a function, then set plot type as TRUTH,and then DRAW. When the work is done, exit from GRAPH and SAVE the pict it will be stored in a list with its entire PPAR. A RRR EEEEE SSSS AA R R E S A A RRR EEE SSSS Nicola Catacchio, Cannaregio 4389 A A R R E S A A R R EEEEE SSSS Campo SS.Apostoli,Ramo Dragan,30121 Venezia %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); DIR MAND \<< ITER 1 - X Y R\->C DUP DO DUP * OVER + ROT 1 - ROT ROT UNTIL DUP C\->R SQ SWAP SQ + 4 > 4 PICK NOT OR END DROP2 2 MOD \>> SAVE \<< "{" "Enter name to save as" "" INPUT + OBJ\-> 1 GET PICT RCL PPAR 2 \->LIST SWAP STO \>> LOAD \<< "Enter Picture to load" "" INPUT OBJ\-> OBJ\-> DROP 'PPAR' STO PICT STO { } PVIEW 33 MENU \>> ITER 30 CST { SAVE LOAD { "EDIT" \<< 33 MENU PICT RCL \->LCD 3 FREEZE \>> } { "RESET" \<< (1.5,1) DUP NEG PMIN PMAX 33 MENU \>> } ITER { "QUIT" \<< 0 MENU \>> } } EQ MAND PPAR { (-.369230769231,.68253968254) (-.253846153846,.777777777778) X 0 (100,100) TRUTH Y } END