[rec.hunting] Bear/Deer Hunting Story

roa@davinci.acc.virginia.edu ("Robert O. Anderson Jr") (05/18/91)

      Steve White writes:
>     Just Call Me "Lucky"

      Great Story!!!!! I bet that "was" nerve-racking trying to sneak
up on that bear!!!

Reminds me of the time last fall when I was in a treestand in the
mountains.  It was getting towards evening and we'd seen a lot of bear
sign around the area. The leaves had fallen and it was getting the
right time of the evening for deer to start moving. Ten minutes go
by.....nothing. "It's ideal conditions....just the right amount of
light......" Ten minutes later...  nothing. "What's going on??? It's
still light!" I looked around and the full moon had cleared the ridge!
"Well, it's not going to get any darker!"  So I climbed down and
started back to the jeep.
      Whoa...It's dark under these white pines! So I was sneaking
along the trail trying not to make too much noise when I heard all
this racket below me in some grape vines. "Damn, I flushed a turkey!"
But I didn't hear his wings beating. I was looking, trying to see what
was knocking all those limbs and leaves down, then I saw him. A BEAR!!
He'd climbed a white pine that was about ten yards below me and now he
was eye level.
      "Man, what a shot....I'll just stick you with an arrow!" I
pulled an arrow out of the quiver as the bear climbed up one section
of limbs.  "It's a small one", I thought as I nocked the arrow. He
climbed another section of limbs and his outline against the sky would
made a perfect shot.  I slipped the release on the string,"He's a real
small one...."  He climbed two sections of limbs, about a 30 degree
angle up hill shot now when I realized how small he was. He fit in
between the sections of limbs and was about the size of the trunk
(10")of the tree.  "Oh, he's just a baby! A BABY!!!!" My heart leaped
in my throat. All I could think about was MAMMA wondering who'd scared
the hell out of her cub! I couldn't decide whether to haul ass or
stand there and not make a sound and maybe she wouldn't know where I
was. I chose the former! I moved as quickly and as quietly as I could
and reached the barbed wire fence about 25 yards from the bear. I
didn't want to set my bow down to climb the fence.... I didn't want to
climb the fence and make a lot of noise.... the bear is in the tip top
of the tree now and I couldn't decide what to do. Finally,(probably 4
seconds later) I stuck the bow through the fence and made two "L's" in
my camo getting over....
      Down the woods road I went.....If I'd flushed a grouse then I 
probably would have died! Whew! Out of breath. Heart racing. I was a
nervous wreck! I've never enjoyed the sound of the jeep door closing
so much in my life!
      Ricky gets to the jeep a few minutes later and says, "I stuck
a buck. Let's go track him."
      "Here, take my flashlight. I'll stay here."
      Well, something about safety in numbers.....we tracked the deer
until 9:30....no avail.
      When back the next morning and hunted for about an hour....got
a late start....can't understand why ;-). Then spent 3 hours looking
for Ricky's deer......no avail. 
      It's fun...... making memories.....
