(rec.hunting moderator) (04/30/91)
There have been some major changes here at osnome and I want to see if there have been any problems with rec.hunting. First, we recently switched to another newsfeed supposedly a better, faster and larger server. However, some articles may have been lost in the transition. If so, just resend 'em. Everything appears to be working now. Second, we just upgraded our system to include a new 1.2 gigabyte disk. So there are no more problems about storing rec.hunting archives. There is plenty of space. However, the indexed server at REQUEST@THEREV.UUCP is still operational. And since the THEREV server is much more elaborate and userfriendly, requests should still go there. While the disk was being added and formated, the system was down for most of the past weekend. This explains the sporadic sending of the digests and the posting of news. It may have also caused a few posts to be rejected. Again, if a post is missing, just resend it. Everything is working fine now. If there were any other problems, please let me know. Tim Rigg (Moderator of rec.hunting) (rec.hunting moderator) (05/23/91)
I am leaving town for the weekend on a camping trip so there will be no posts or digests until Monday (or Tuesday). This way, you'all can get out in the woods instead of readin' r.h all day... have a good weekend... Tim Rigg (Moderator of rec.hunting)