[rec.hunting] Hunting and Gun Safety

tmx@occrsh.att.com (06/07/91)

  As opinions go, again I have one on this subject.  The opinions, I
have read seem to have been posted by persons of -about- my age group
*in the 40 to 50 year range.  They have been basically posting that
they were schooled in gun safety and -or- hunting safety by their
piers or parents.  This is all well and GOOD, its something WE should
all take the time to do, help anyone who is wanting to Learn!
  I further believe "if" you are not knowledgeable in gun safety and
-or- hunting; even if you have a person who is willing to (teach you
the ropes)


  For your safety, others safety, and last but not least, "MY" safety;
Enroll in a gun safety course and attend any meetings on gun safety
and -or- hunting.

  I do disagee to an extent, that teaching a person the "rules"; using
a rifle, pistol or shotgun, that is empty -or- has the firing pin
removed, is the way to see if they are learning -or- know the "rules".
I personally would rather be afield with someone who is carrying a
loaded weapon; That I know is on safety (and) the person we are
talking about knows it is on safety I would be more observant of the
handleing of the weapon, Iam sure.  And if the person is aware of the
extent of what the weapon can do he is carrying, Iam sure he -or- she
would be much more cautious also.  But again this is just my opinion,
and the way I have instructed my two sons, which by the way are 27 and
29; Either of which -you- would not mind hunting or plinking with !!

  I have schooled everyone, I have came in contact with to ALWAYS
consider every weapon "LOADED".  Even myself, being finished with a
weapon, emptied it and thinking it "EMPTY", and upon the final check
to be doubly sure, still find a live round in the chamber (naturally
its still on safety) -or- a live round still in the magazine.  It can,
does and will HAPPEN, even to the best of us !!

  And finally, I believe everyone should take a firearms safety course
(EVEN) if the person has litterly NO interest in firearms -or-
hunting.  And being a outdoors person and sportsman, plus a hunter
when the oppertunity arrises; Find it hard to understand why a person
would not have an interst in any of the 3 catagories.  - BUT- back to
this paragraph.  All persons, even the ones not interested, should
understand firearm safety.  What if they were in the room where
someone was goofing around, who didn't know a DAMN bit more than the
unknowledgeable person.  ( R I G H T ) you guess it **BANG** and
another unknowing and innocent bystander either maimed for life or
again right

                             **  D E A D ** 

Harvest only what you can use and leave a little for seed !!
Keep your powder dry and don't let your meat loaf !!
                                             tmx@occrsh.ATT.COM  (Jim Bruner)