[rec.radio.amateur.packet] need info on "wireless modem"

dt@yenta.alb.nm.us (David B. Thomas) (05/26/91)

Halp!  I just bought 4 NIFTY gadgets (at a surplus auction), and I'm trying
to get them working with no documentation whatever.

The unit in question is a "wireless modem" which puts out a solid 1/2 W (VHF)
and has high quality, separately tuned (with dip switches), PLL-synthesized
transmitter and receiver sections.  It has an rs-232 port and an antena jack
in the back, and tx/rx leds in the front.

To be more specific, the unit is an "ESTeem wireless modem, model 84" by
Electronic Systems Technology (no address or phone numbers appear anywhere
on product).  I don't think they made too many of these ... one of the ones
I have is serial number 40!

If anybody has any suggestions regarding:
	how to locate the manufacturer
	how to reverse-engineer this thing enough to figure it out
please email.  If you post a response, please only post where appropriate.
This article is crossposted.

Please, no flames from hams about it probably being illegal to put these
thingies on the air.  I'm only interested in the technical exercise of
getting them working with dummy loads.  I'm a licensed ham operator and I
know the laws.  Flame-retardant off.  :-)

						little david
Unix is not your mother.