[comp.std.announce] Standards Action Vol 22 No 6, March 22

KLENSIN@INFOODS.MIT.EDU (John C Klensin) (05/16/91)

Information Technology Announcements from ANSI Standards Action
Vol 22, No. 6       March 22, 1991

**Note that ANSI has moved.  Please discard old addresses and use the
one below**

**Administrative note:  Our apologies for the delay in getting these
out.  We have been trying to work around some other problems, including
persistent machine overload due to FTP investigations of the
originating machine.  Please stop.  This distribution is archived at

Ordering information for particular documents and general information
appears at the end of this digest.

Call for Comments (public review), Comment Deadline May 21, 1991.



BSR X3.124, Computer Graphics -- Graphical Kernel System (GKS)
(reaffirmation of ANSI X3.124-1985)
   Specifies a basic graphics system for applications that produce
computer-generated two-dimensional pictures on Iine graphics or
raster output devices. Supports operator input and interaction by
supplying basic functions for graphical input and picture
segmentation. Allows storage and dynamic modification of pictures.
   Single copy price: $50.00
   Order from: ANSI Sales Department (see below)
   Send comments (with copy to BSR) to:
        Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA)
        Attn: Lynn Barra
        311 First Street, NW, Suite 500
        Washington, DC 2OOO1-2178

  BSR X3.124.1 , Computer Graphics -- Graphical Kernel System (GKS)
FORTRAN binding (reaffirmation of ANSI X3.124.1-1985)
  Covers GKS which specifies a Ianguage-independent nucleus of a
graphics system. For integration into a programming Ianguage, GKS is
embedded in a Ianguage-dependent layer obeying the particular
conventions of that Ianguage. This document specifies such a
Ianguage-dependent Iayer for the FORTRAN Ianguage.
     Single copy price: $21.OO
     Order from: ANSI Sales Department (see below)
     Send comments (with copy to BSR) to:
            CBEMA, Attn: Lynn Barra (as above)   

   NOTE: Each of the following draft amendments is being processed
simultaneously as an Amendment to an American National Standard and
an International Standard. This is a second public review required by
the Procedures for Synchronous Processing of American National
Standards and International Standards.

   BSR/ISO 9592-1, Amendment 1, Programmer's Hierarchical
Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) -- Part 1 : Functional
Description (amendment of BSR/ISO 9692-1, Amendment 1)
   Specifies additions and changes to Parts 1 through 3 of BSR/ISO
9692 to support the inclusion of Part 4 (PHIGS PLUS).
   Single copy price: $26.OO per set BSR/ISO 9692-1 , 9592-2, and
   (See order and comment instructions at end of category.)

    BSR/ISO 9692-2, Amendment 1, Programmer's Hierachical Interactive
Graphics System (PHIGS) -- Part 2: Archive file Format (amendment of
BSR/ISO 9692-2, Amendment 1)
    Specifies additions and changes to Parts 1 through 3 of BSR/ISO
9692 to support the inclusion of Part 4 (PHIGS PLUS).
   Single copy price: $26.OO per set BSR/ISO 9692-1 , 9592-2, and
   (See order and comment instructions at end of category.)

    BSR/ISO 9692-3, Amendment 1 , Programmer's Hierarchical
lnteractive Graphics System (PHIGS) -- Part 3: Clear Text
Encoding of Archive File (amendment of BSR/ISO 9692-3,
Amendment 1)
    Specifies additions and changes to Parts 1 through 3 of BSR/ISO
9692 to support the inclusion of Part 4 (PHIGS PLUS).
   Single copy price: $26.OO per set BSR/ISO 9692-1 , 9592-2, and
   (See order and comment instructions at end of category.)

  BSR/ISO 9692-4, Information Processing Systems -- Computer Graphics
-- Progammer's Hierarchical lnteractive Graphics System (PHIGS) --
Part 4: Plus Lumiere und Surfaces, PHIGS PLUS (new standard).
  Specifies a basic set of functionality for support for simulating
the effects of Iighting, shading, and other properties that are
important for the display of multidimensional data, for use in
conjunction with the functionality defined in Part 1 of BSR/ISO 9692.
   Single copy price: $81.00
   order from: ANSI Sales Department (see below)
   Send comments (with copy to BSR) to:
            CBEMA, Attn: Kate McMillian


     BSR X3.138A, Supplement to X3.138-1988, Information Resource
Dictionary System (IRDS) (revision of ANSI X3.138-1988)
      Serves as a supplemental to ANSI X3.138-1988. These chgnges
have been approved by X3. The Technical Committee has recommended
that these changes be published as the first collection of identified
errors in ANSI X3.138-1988.
        Single copy price: Free
        Order from: CBEMA, Attn: Lynn Barra
        Send comments (with copy to BSR) to: Same


Ground rules and boilerplate:
  The information above is provided for the information and use of ACM
  The information is obtained from the issue of ANSI Standards Action
designated.  The intent is to include announcements that are likely to
be of interest to the ACM membership.  For a given draft standard or
other reference, all information provided in Standards Action is given.
This listing will include, insofar as possible, relevant solicitations
of comments (announcements of availability for public review).  As time
and resources permit, it will also include announcements of newly
published Standards, final action on Standards, and other relevant
announcements including, eventually, notification of relevant new
project initiations.
  While a reasonable effort is applied to ensure the accuracy of the
listings, omission of important material is possible and typographic
errors are likely, so appropriate caution should be used.
  The ANSI public comment process solicits comments "to ensure that the
views of all interested parties have been given full consideration."
If you choose to order and review a draft document, your response
should "specify whether you approve of disapprove of the proposal as an
American National Standard.  If you provide technical comments with
your approval, indicate whether approval is contingent upon considering
them for inclusion (1) in the current proposal or (2) in future
revisions of the current proposal.  If you disapprove, give your
reasons."  Draft documents are not, in general, available from the
source indicated after the closing date for comments.  Comments should
be addressed to the person or organization, with copies to the ANSI
Board of Standards Review (BSR), 1430 Broadway, NY, NY 10018.
  Comments on draft ISO, IEC, or ISO/IEC Draft International Standards
should be addressed, in the USA, to Gary W. Kushnier, Vice President,
Standards Technology, at ANSI headquarters (address above).  These
comments should be made considerably before the date given if you
expect them to have any impact.  Outside the US, comments on these
documents should be addressed to the relevant national ISO Member Body.
  ANSI Standards may be obtained from the ANSI Sales Department, 11
West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
  ISO and IEC drafts and final Standards may be obtained from the
International Sales Department, ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th
Floor, New York, NY 10036.  Place separate orders for ISO and IEC
Draft Standards.  Order BSR proposals and newly published ANSI and
ISO and IEC Standards separately.  Readers outside the US are likely
to be able to obtain ISO and IEC materials more efficiently through
their own ISO Member Bodies.
  In only extremely rare cases (which will be noted if known) are these
documents available for electronic distribution.